Board of Education Meeting

Mrs. Mindy Meyer

The mission of the Big Walnut Local Schools is to inspire and guide each student to his or her maximum potential.

Mrs. Mindy Meyer

In order to realize our mission, we will strive to achieve and maintain our vision of:

  • Student-focused, professional, collaborative staff
  • Student-focused, challenging and current curriculum
  • Supportive, involved and informed community
  • Safe, respectful and welcoming environment

Mrs. Mindy Meyer
  • Improve academic achievement
  • Improve communication
  • Plan for growth (facility plan)
  • Financial responsibility

4. President
Mrs. Mindy Meyer
  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance

5. Roll Call
Mrs. Mindy Meyer

6. 15-99 Approve Minutes

Review and approve the Board meeting minutes of the July 9, 2015 Regular Board  Meeting and the July 27, 2015 Special Work Session Board Meeting.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Dr. Allison Fagan, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice President

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  

7. Recognitions

7.1 .
  • Varsity Baseball Team- Mr. Brad Schneider
  • Abe Myers, Track- Mrs. Nicci Hess


  • Mr. Schneider gave a summary of the baseball season. He thanked the coaches, the team and all involved that supported them.
  • Mrs. Hess presented a certificate to Abe Myers recognizing his qualificaton for OHSAA Track meet and placing 8th in the state. 

8. Superintendent's Report

8.1 District Goal: Student Academic Achievement
Mrs. Jen Young
  • Academic Update


  • Mrs. Jen Young shared activities that took place over the summer. Fifty hours of optional professional development for teachers was offered. Twenty-nine new staff members (6 educational assistance and 23 new teachers) attended New Teacher Orientation. Summer Eagle Academy was well attended. Convocation took place today along with setting goals. She shared the 20/20 Vision video.


8.2 District Goal: Improve Communication
Mrs. Angie Pollock
  • State of the Schools - November 5 at 6:30, Big Walnut Middle School
  • Calendar Year 2016 Board Meeting Date Options

8.3 District Goal: Planning for Growth
Mrs. Angie Pollock & Ms. Terri Day
  • Economic Development Committee


  • First Economic Development Committee meeting - kickoff talk about goals, financial update, enrollment study. 

9. Treasurer's Report
Ms. Terri Day

9.1 District Goal: Financial Responsibility
  • Presentation on School Fees - PayForIt
  • June Monthly Report to include FY15 Year End Totals
  • Investment Report
  • Items for Discussion: Monthly Report Presentation Dates

10. Selected Board Policies
Mrs. Angie Pollock

First Reading of Board Policy:

  • 2413 - Career Advising (New)

11. School Board Members Items of Interest or Discussion

11.1 .
Mrs. Mindy Meyer

The Big Walnut Local School District Board of Education is appointing Mr. Brad Schneider as the delegate to the 2015 OSBA Annual Business Meeting on Novermber 9, 2015 and Mr. Andy Wecker as the alternate in the event Mr. Schneider cannot serve.


  • Mrs. Meyer explained the request from OSBA to elect a delegate to attend OSBA.
  • Dr. Fagan gave kudos to administrators and principals for convocation. It was inspiring, fantastic and made her proud to be serving on the Board. She also shared that she met with representative Margaret Ruhl, who is facing term limits. Rick Carfagna from Genoa has announced that he will be running for her seat. She discussed the challenges of state funding and mandates, state testing and state limiting it's involvement in districts that are performing well. 
  • Mr. Wecker decided to file petition to run for re-election. He stated that when he saw the video presented at convocation it caused him to think about things when he ran 4 years ago - he never dreamed we would be where we are today and heading in the direction we are moving. He is very excited about the new administrative team at the high school. He feels we could improve with our alumni by asking how well we prepare them.  As a board member at a governance level he recocnizes a lot of good things going on in the district and would like to see it keep moving in that direction.
  • Mrs. Hess announced that for the first time in history BW was invited to present a piece of student art work at the student acheivement fair. She attended a Genoa zoning meeting last week. She had been getting emails about sewage survey. There was much misconception. This is a requirement of the county for jurisdiction to let them know potential development and plan.
  • Mr. Schneider passed out a document to support topic discussed at our previous meetings concerning Board Building Representatives and what that meant. He drafted ideas about what being a board represenative could mean in relationship to the schools. He wants to discuss the role of a building rep., speak to building personnel to explain why board members are in their building and whether or not it should continue. 
  • Mrs Meyer discussed the work session in July. A representative from OSBA  attended and worked with the Board and discussed how Boards in general should operate - the represenative complimented the Board on their work. Mindy reitterated how amazing today was (convocation). She was very complimentary of the staff and believes our students are going to succeed because of all the work our staff members are doing. She thanked administration for everything that was done over the summer for the opening of this year. She also submitted paperwork to run for re-election.

12. Public Participation
Mrs. Mindy Meyer

This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's busines and is not considered a public community meeting. This is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda. (Please reference criteria for Public Participation attached to the agenda.)

  1. Scheduled
  2. Non-Scheduled


No scheduled participation

No non-scheduled participation

13. Contract Items

13.1 15-100
Ms. Terri Day

It is recommended the Board approve the Service Agreement between Scotts Lawn Service and Big Walnut Local School District in the amount of $19,725  to include Spring and Fall of 2015.


  • consent agenda for 13.1 through 13.6




Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice President

Seconded: Dr. Allison Fagan, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  

13.2 15.101

It is recommened the Board postpone item 13.1 until the September board meeting and move to consent items 13.2-13.7.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Dr. Allison Fagan, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  

13.3 .
Ms. Terri Day

It is recommended the Board approve the resolution between PNC and Big Walnut Local School District for extensions of credit and incumbency certificate.


  • consent 13.2

Result: Approved

13.4 .
Ms. Terri Day

It is recommended the Board approve the Special Educational & Related Services Agreement between Licking County Educational Service Center and Big Walnut Local School District.


  • consent 13.2

Result: Approved

13.5 .
Ms. Terri Day


It is recommended the Board approve the Special Educational & Related Services Agreement between Step By Step Academy and Big Walnut Local School District contingent upon approval of Laura Lawrence, Director of Student Services.


  • constent 13.2

Result: Approved

13.6 .
Ms. Terri Day

It is recommended the Board approve the service contract between M&D Blacktop Company and Big Walnut Local School District.


  • consent 13.2

Result: Approved

13.7 .
Ms. Terri Day

It is recommended the Board approve the service contract between Blue Chip 2000 Commercial Services and Big Walnut Local School District.


  • consent 13.2

Result: Approved

14. Human Resource Items

14.1 15.102
Mr. Mark Cooper

It is recommended the Board approve the following co-curricular supplemental contracts for the 2015/2016 school year:

  • Kathy Dawson, LPDC (tuition reimbursement coordinator), group 7 step 0
  • Jeanne Collett, Guidance Department Chair, group 4 step 0
  • Karen Bodker, BWIS PAC, group 7 step 0
  • Rachel Middleman, BWIS PAC, group 7 step 0
  • Kevin Masterson, BWIS PAC, group 7 step 1
  • Amy Read, BWIS PAC, group 7 step 2


  • consent items 14.1 through 14.14 


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  

14.2 .
Mr. Mark Cooper

It is recommended the Board approve the following classified contracts:

  • Denise Stephens, 90-day contract, full-time bus driver, step 1, effective August 13, 2015
  • Michael Hamilton, 90-day contract, bus aide, 6hrs/day, step 0, effective August 13, 2015
  • Rebecca Benjamin, 90-day contract, .5 preschool aide (4 days/week), Harrison Street Elementary School, step 9, effective beginning the 2015/2016 school year
  • Heather Mahle, 90-day contract, special needs assistant, General Rosecrans Elementary, step 2, effective beginning the 2015/2016 school year
  • Kelly Mazzi, 90-day contract, special needs assistant, General Rosecrans Elementary, step 0, effective beginning the 2015/2016 school year
  • Amy Palmer, 90- day contract, special needs assistant, General Rosecrans Elementary, step 1, effective beginning the 2015/2016 school year
  • Tiffany Tennihill, 90-day contract, special needs assistant, General Rosecrans Elementary, step 0, effective beginning the 2015/2016 school year
  • Heidi Pallone, 90-day contract, special needs assistant, General Rosecrans Elementary, step 0, effective beginning the 2015/2016 school year
  • Angela Snyder, 220-day contract (continuing contract to remain in effect), General Rosecrans Elementary, building secretary, step 6, effective July 27, 2015
  • Michelle McDermott, 190-day one-year contract to remain in effect, .5 office assistant, Hylen Souders Elementary School, step 1


  • consent 14.1

Result: Approved

14.3 .
Mr. Mark Cooper

It is recommended the Board approve a $750 CPR Instruction stipend for the 2015/2016 school year for Scott Wetzel.

  • consent 14.1


consent 14.1

Result: Approved

14.4 .
Mr. Mark Cooper

It is recommended the Board approve the following for a one-year certified contract for the 2015/2016 school year:

  • Sarah Wadsworth, Big Walnut Intermediate School, 6th Grade Math/Science Teacher, BA step 0
  • Lauren Ring, General Rosecrans Elementary School, 1st Grade Teacher, BA step 3
  • Kelly Dixon, General Rosecrans Elementary School, 1st Grade Teacher, BA15 step 5


  • consent 14.1

Result: Approved

14.5 .
Mr. Mark Cooper

It is recommended the Board approve the Superintendent or Designee to hire and maintain a list of classified substitute workers at the board approved rate for the 2015/2016 school year, upon receipt of background checks and all necessary documentation.


  • consent 14.1

Result: Approved

14.6 .
Mr. Mark Cooper

It is recommended the Board approve the Middle School and High School Athletic Directors to secure Athletic Event Workers and maintain the list of all approved workers throughout the 2015/2016 school year for all sporting events.  These workers will be paid from the Athletic Fund at a rate of $14.50 per hour.


  • consent 14.1

Result: Approved

14.7 .
Mr. Mark Cooper

It is recommended the Board approve the following athletic supplemental contracts for the 2015-2016 school year:

  • Christina Lococo, .25 Middle School Assistant Cheer Coach, group 4 step 0
  • Chelsea Carothers, Assistant Cross Country Coach, group 4 step 3
  • Mike McDonough, Assistant Girls' Tennis Coach, group 4 step 11


  • consent 14.1

Result: Approved

14.8 .
Mr. Mark Cooper

It is recommended the Board approve to rescind the following portion of motion 15-97:

  • A long-term leave of absence for the 2015/2016 school year for Rachel Estep, 1st Grade Teacher, General Rosecrans Elementary School


  • consent 14.1

Result: Approved

14.9 .
Mr. Mark Cooper

It is recommended the Board adjust the following portion of motion 15-92:

  • increase the co-curricular supplemental for Christina McDonough, Senior Class Advisor for the 2015/2016 school year from a .5 position to a full time position


  • consent 14.1

Result: Approved

14.10 .
Mr. Mark Cooper

It is recommended the Board approve the following long-term substitutes for the entire 2015/2016 school year:

  • Megan Sweet, General Rosecrans Elementary School, 2nd Grade Teacher
  • Mika George, Big Walnut Elementary , 1st Grade Teacher


  • consent 14.1

Result: Approved

14.11 .
Mr. Mark Cooper

It is recommended the Board approve the following athletic supplemental positions:

  • Swimming, Head Coach, group 3
  • Weight Room Facilitator, group 3 (paid out of the BW Athletic Services Account)



  • clarify Athletic services is Athletic Fund
  • consent 14.1

Result: Approved

14.12 .
Mr. Mark Cooper


It is recommended the Board approve a 90-day classified contract for Jeffrey Evans, 3rd shift custodian, Big Walnut High School, step 1, effective beginning August 17, 2015.


  • consent 14.1

Result: Approved

14.13 .
Mr. Mark Cooper


It is recommended the Board approve the following co-curricular supplemental contracts for the 2015/2016 school year:

  • Patty Cooper, Junior Class Advisor, group 4 step 0
  • Betty Kimball, Vocational Department Chair, group 4 step 0


  • consent 14.1

Result: Approved

14.14 .
Mr. Mark Cooper


It is recommended the Board approve the following athletic volunteer coaches for the 2015/2016 school year pending receipt of background checks and all necessary documentation:

  • Wayne Thompson, football
  • Mike Kerr, football
  • Jason Ronk, football (MS)
  • Noah Heath, football (MS)
  • Ron Truax, football (MS)


  • consent 14.1

Result: Approved

15. Business Items

15.1 15.103
Ms. Terri Day

It is recommended the Board approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the Big Walnut Local Schools Board of Education and the Big Walnut Professional Support Staff Association agreeing that the last sentence of Article XXIV-Insurance, Item F, is meant to state the following:

If both spouses are employed by the District, and one of them takes the District health insurance, neither will be eligible for the opt-out incentive payment.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Dr. Allison Fagan, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  

15.2 15.104
Mr. Ron McClure

It is recommended the Board approve the bus stops for the 2015/2016 school year and authorizes the Superintendent or Designee to make changes in bus stops as needed.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board Member

Seconded: Dr. Allison Fagan, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  

15.3 15.105

It is recommended the Board approve the following donation:

  • 5 hydrofarm grow lights and 5 galaxy electronic ballasters, donated to Big Walnut Local Schools' Vocational Agriculture Program by Delaware County.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Brad Schneider, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  

16. Scheduling of Next Board Meeting

Regular Board Meeting:  

                                         September 10, 2015
                                         6:30 P.M.
                                         Big Walnut High School, Media Center


17. 15-106 Executive Session

It is recommended the Board enter Executive Session to consider the employment of a public employee or official, to consider the purchase of property for public puposes, and to discuss confidential information related to negotiations with other political subdivisions regarding requests for economic development assistance.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board President

Seconded: Mr. Brad Schneider, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  

18. 15-107 Adjourn

It is recommended Board exit Executive Session and the meeting adjourns.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Dr. Allison Fagan, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX