Board of Education Meeting

Big Walnut High School Media Center
Thursday, October 8, 2015 - 6:30pm - 9:30pm

    Mrs. Mindy Meyer

    The mission of the Big Walnut Local Schools is to inspire and guide each student to his or her maximum potential.

    2. OUR VISION:
    Mrs. Mindy Meyer

    In order to realize our mission, we will strive to achieve and maintain our vision of:

    • Student-focused, professional, collaborative staff
    • Student-focused, challenging and current curriculum
    • Supportive, involved and informed community
    • Safe, respectful and welcoming environment

    Mrs. Mindy Meyer
    • Improve academic achievement
    • Improve communication
    • Plan for growth (facility plan)
    • Financial responsibility

    4. President
    Mrs. Mindy Meyer
    1. Call to Order
    2. Pledge of Allegiance

    5. Roll Call
    Mrs. Mindy Meyer

    6. 15-118Approve Minutes

    Review and approve the Board meeting minutes of the September 10, 2015 Regular Board  Meeting.

    7. Superintendent's Report

    7.1 District Goal: Improve Communication
    Mrs. Angie Pollock
    • State of the Schools - November 5 at 6:30, Big Walnut Middle School
    • Coffee Chat
    • Big Walnut Middle School Service Day - Mr. Josh Frame

    7.2 District Goal: Planning for Growth
    Mrs. Angie Pollock and Ms. Terri Day
    • Central Office Facilities
    • Update on Economic Development Committee

    7.3 District Goal: Student Academic Achievement
    Mrs. Jen Young
    • General Rosecrans Elementary Building Presentation
    • General Rosecrans CIP Update
    • Kindergarten Entrance Date
    • Academic Update

    8. Recognitions
    Mr. Brad Schneider
    • Addison May, Student of the Month, General Rosecrans Elementary


    9. Treasurer's Report
    Ms. Terri Day

    9.1 District Goal: Financial Responsibility

    10. Selected Board Policies
    Mrs. Angie Pollock

    10.1 .

    First reading of the following policies:

    • 5112 - Entrance Requirements (Bylaws & Policies revision)

    11. School Board Items of Interest or Discussion

    12. Public Participation
    Mrs. Mindy Meyer

    This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not considered a public community meeting. This is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda. (Please reference criteria for Public Participation attached to the agenda.)

    1. Scheduled
    2. Non-Scheduled

    13. Business Items

    13.1 15-119
    Ms. Terri Day

    It is recommended the Board approve the Resolution of Intent to Participate in the School Building Assistance Expedited Partnership Program.

    13.2 15-120
    Mrs. Angie Pollock

    It is recommended the Board approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the Big Walnut Education Association and the Big Walnut Local School District Board of Education agreeing to the change in Article XVIII, Professional Development and Educational Improvement, Item D.2. Tuition Reimbursement, per the attached MOU.


    13.3 15-121

    It is recommended the Board accept the following donations:

    • $200 donated to Big Walnut Challenge Day, donated by BWEA (BWHS Challenge Day Fund 200-9271)
    • 13 chromebooks to Hylen Souders Elementary, donated by
    • $52.10 donated to Hylen Souders Elementary , donated by Ryan Dunlap (SOU Principal Fund)

    14. Human Resource Items
    Mr. Mark Cooper

    14.1 15-122

    It is recommended the Board rescind the co-curricular supplemental for Deb Dunkerley, Mock Trial Supervisor, motion 15-92.

    14.2 .

    It is recommended the Board approve the co-curricular supplemental contract for the 2015/2016 school year for Kristin Kovak, Mock Trial Supervisor, group 6, step 0.

    14.3 .

    It is recommended the Board accept the resignation of Laura Roberto, Big Walnut High School General Secretary II, effective October 9, 2015.

    14.4 .

    Consent in 16.7

    It is recommended the Board approve the modification of the following supplemental contracts for the 2015/2016 school year approved in motion 15-92:

    • Katherine Kiedaisch, Assistant, group 4 step 2 - modify to a .5 contract (fall) - motion 15-92
    • Laura Roberto, .75 Freshman Assistant, group 4 step 2 - modify to a .375 contract (fall) - motion 15-92
    • Chelsea Carothers, Assistant Cross Country Coach, group 4 step 3 - modify to a .5 contract  - motion 15-102

    14.5 .

    It is recommended the Board approve the change of position for Michelle McDermott from part-time office assistant at Hylen Souders Elementary to full-time Secretary II, Big Walnut High School, effective October 12, 2015.  Current one-year contract and salary scale/step to remain in place.

    14.6 .

    It is recommended the Board approve a 90-day classified contract for Deborah Kennedy, full-time Bus Driver, step 0, effective September 28, 2015.

    14.7 .

    It is recommended the Board approve fifteen (15) extended days for Erin Curtis, Student Services Coordinator, for the 2015/2016 school year.

    14.8 .
    It is recommended the Board approve the following athletic supplemental contracts for the 2015/2016 school year:

    Boys Basketball
    Ric Cavicchia, Varsity Assistant Coach, group 2 step 11
    Charlie Rowley, Assistant Coach, group 3 step 9
    Chris Rupe, Assistant Coach, group 3 step 10
    Doug Eckelbarger, Assistant MS Coach, group 3 step 7
    Chris Holly, Assistant MS Coach, group 3 step 8

    Girls Basketball
    Gary Miller, Varsity Coach, .75,  group 2 step 11
    Frank Turner, Assistant Coach, .75, group 3 step 11
    Mike Tutorow, Assistant MS Coach, group 3 step 11
    Sarah Bechtel, Assistant MS Coach, group 3 step 0

    Aaron Renner, Assistant Coach, group 4 step 5
    Tony Eisnnicher, Assistant MS Coach, group 4 step 11
    Braden Hale, Assistant MS Coach, group 4 step 3
    Tim Halbakken, Volunteer
    Aaron Morris, Volunteer
    Kenneth Moore, Volunteer

    Victoria Lawyer, Volunteer

    Rebecca Brigham, Head Coach, group 3 step 6
    Jen White, Volunteer
    Kate Sweeney-Bendure, Volunteer
    Rusty Huff, Volunteer

    Scott Morrison, Volunteer

    Cross Country 
    Dora Riggs, .5 Assistant Coach, group 4 step 8

    Weight Room Coordinator
    Joe Weaver, group 3 step 0

    15. Scheduling of Next Board Meeting

    Special Board Meeting:  

                                              October 26, 2015
                                              7:30 A.M.
                                              Big Walnut Intermediate Building, Central Office Conference Room

                                              Work Session
                                              November 4, 2015
                                              7:30 A.M.
                                              Big Walnut Intermediate Building, Central Office Conference Room

    Regular Board Meeting:   

                                             November 19, 2015
                                             6:30 P.M.
                                             Big Walnut High School, Media Center


    16. 15-123 Executive Session
    Mrs. Mindy Meyer

    It is recommended the Board enter Executive Session to consider the employment of a public employee and to discuss confidential information related to negotiations with other political subdivisions regarding requests for economic development assistance. 

    16.1 15-124

    It is recommended the Board exit Executive Session and the meeting adjourns.
