Board of Education Meeting

Mrs. Mindy Meyer

The mission of the Big Walnut Local Schools is to inspire and guide each student to his or her maximum potential.

Mrs. Mindy Meyer

In order to realize our mission, we will strive to achieve and maintain our vision of:

  • Student -focused, professional, collaborative staff
  • Student-focused, challenging and current curriculum
  • Supportive, involved and informed community
  • Safe, respectful and welcoming environment

Mrs. Mindy Meyer
  • Improve academic achievement
  • Improve communication
  • Plan for growth (facility plan)
  • Financial responsibility

4. President
Mrs. Mindy Meyer
  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance

5. Roll Call
Mrs. Mindy Meyer


  • Mr. Schneider arrived at 6:40
Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board Member   
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  
Ms. Madelyn WeckerX  

6. 15-173 Minutes
Mrs. Mindy Meyer

It is recommended the Board review and approve the minutes from the January 7, 2016 organizational meeting, January 21, 2016 regular meeting and the February 3, 2016 special meeting.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Dr. Allison Fagan, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board Member   
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  
Ms. Madelyn WeckerX  

7. Superintendent's Report
Mrs. Angie Pollock

7.1 District Goal: Improve Communication
  • Big Walnut Local School District Facility Planning Committee Forums:
  1. Sunbury Village Hall - 4/4 @ 6:00 p.m.
  2. Genoa Township Hall - 4/11 @ 6:00 p.m.
  3. Berkshire Township Hall - 4/14 @ 6:00 p.m.
  4. District (BWHS) - 4/18 @ 6:00 p.m.
  5. Harlem Township Hall - 4/27 @ 6:00 p.m.
  6. Porter & Kingston @ Porter Township Hall - 4/28 @ 6:00 p.m.
  7. Galena Village Hall - 5/4 @ 6:00 p.m.


  • Mrs. Pollock share the background and the purpose of the Facility Planning Committee. She thanked community members on Economic Development and Facility Planning Committees for their time. She is thanked the villages and townships for hosting Forums. Due to the size of Kingston Townships hall they will share a forum with Porter Township.







7.2 District Goal: Planning for Growth
  • Central Office Update


  • Administration is working with an architect to obtain bid proposals for the new central office building, still on target for a July move.

7.3 District Goal: Student Academic Achievement
  • General Rosecrans CIP Update
  • Academic Update - Mrs. Jen Young
  • Report Card - Mrs. Jen Young

8. Recognitions
Mrs. Mindy Meyer
  • Landen Daugstrup, Student of the Month, General Rosecrans Elementary School - Mr. Brad Schneider

10. Selected Board Policy
Mrs. Angie Pollock

10.1 15-174

It is recommended the Board adopt the following revised policies (second reading):

  • 7510 Use of District Premises (Property)
  • 8400 School Safety (Operations)


Result: Approved

Motioned: Dr. Allison Fagan, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  
Ms. Madelyn WeckerX  

11. Board Members Items of Interest or Discussion


  • Ms. Wecker shared that the opening night of musical is Thursday at 7:00 - reserve tickets online. There are performances Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The Debates are scheduled for this week - topic is pros & cons of contact sports in public high schools. The boys basketball tournament is tomorrow at Northland. Student council raised over $400 for Relay for Life.  
  • Dr Fagan wished the cast and crew of the play good luck. She indicated she will be a guest reader at Sounders. She stated how proud she is of our students that will be recognized at OSBA for Scientist Rock. She wished the high school musicians that will competing next month good luck. She shared information regarding legislation SB3 that is going through the senate which is designed to offer regulatory relief to districts  - it is Senator Fabor's bill.  Damon Asbury from OSBA reported this afternoon likely on House Education Committee calendar next week, probably a substitute bill will be introduced. A couple of things that she found interesting is the regulatory relief pieces that would be eliminated on how much assessment our students are subject to. There are a number of items for all districts then  an additional number of points for high performing school districts. The  issue is how high performing schools are defined would not include us right now. This is due to new testing, under old testing we would have qualified. Mr. Asbury indicated he will do some research to determine how many districts the PARCC testing affected. Mrs. Pollock added that the goal is to put more control into state and local levels. Ohio is trying to rush a plan but the interim superintendent said we will not rush. Ohio may want to make changes but some testing is federal requirements. Dr. Fagan will keep an eye on it and keep the board posted.
  • Mr. Wecker spoke about Harrison Street's movie night and stated kindergarten registration is just around the corner. Since the board will be voting on a District Testing and CCR Coordinator he has information on college and career readiness.  The Tririvers Career Center, also known as the MarionRamtech, just won $6M in grants from ODE and will expand their program and take it to other communities and one of the next schools will be DACC. He has a good friend who is an anesthesiologist and participated in senior shadow day - he travels to OSU, New Albany and Licking Co. He spoke very highly of the Licking County Service Center mentor program. Andy obtained information from the program director to pass on to Mrs. Pollock. He wishes the best to all of our high school seniors, this is a very busy time for them.
  • Mrs. Hess seconded praise to the Scientist Rocks program.  She stated the BWEF Super Bowl party was a success and a good time for all. Mr. Mazzi and Mrs. Pollock tended bar. 
  • Mr. Schneider announced that this an important time in the Ohio House; the platforms have one constant theme, the concept to "fix the schools". Most challenges come from those "fixing things". He shared much information about legislation and encouraged community to vote.
  • Mrs. Meyer will be attending the OSBA dinner to recognize Science Rocks. She shared that the Harlem Wizards are coming March 2nd.  She checked with OSBA to confirm the process if the board meetings move to the central office location - we just need to give public notice.

12. Public Participation
Mrs. Mindy Meyer

This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not considered a public community meeting. This is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda. (Please reference criteria for Public Participation, which is attached to the agenda.)

  1. Scheduled
  2. Non-Scheduled


  • no scheduled or non-scheduled public participation

13. Business Items

13.1 15-175
Ms. Terri Eyerman Day

It is recommended that the board approve the Five-Year-Forecast.



  • Motion to postpone permanently/indefinitely made by Dr. Fagan, Seconded by Mrs. Hess.
  • The Board will be looking at approving in May.this in May and wait until then.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice President

Seconded: Mr. Brad Schneider, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  
Ms. Madelyn WeckerX  

13.2 15-176
Ms. Terri Eyerman Day

It is recommended the Board approve the amended Appropriations.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board Member

Seconded: Dr. Allison Fagan, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  
Ms. Madelyn WeckerX  

13.3 15-177
Ms. Terri Eyerman Day

It is recommended the Board approve the FY17 tax budget to be filed with the county auditor.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice President

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  
Ms. Madelyn WeckerX  

13.4 15-178
Ms. Terri Eyerman Day

It is recommended the Board approve the 2015 tax rates and estimated revenue provided by the Delaware County Auditor.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Dr. Allison Fagan, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Brad Schneider, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  
Ms. Madelyn WeckerX  

13.5 15-180
Mrs. Angie Pollock

It is recommended the Board approve the following new course for Big Walnut High School, effective the 2016/2017 school year:

  • Robotics and Software Development


  • HS technology teacher  working with Mrs. Young to make sure programs offered are relevant to what students need today - we are ready for advanced coursework at the HS. The course has been offered to the students for next year. 

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Brad Schneider, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  
Ms. Madelyn WeckerX  

14. Human Resource Items
Mr. Mark Cooper

14.1 15-181

It is recommended the Board approve the following job descriptions:

  • Technology Specialist 
  • Instruction and Innovation Coordinator 
  • District Testing, College/Career Readiness Coordinator 
  • Student Services Coordinator (revised)



  • Mr. Cooper explained that the tech department has been a two person department for years. The district has grown from 800 computers to over 3,000 devices with additional buildings. We are very excited for the addition to the department.
  • Instruction and Innovation Coordinator - this position is actually a current postion that is contracted with an outside organization.
  • Distrist  Test and CCR  Coordinator - the goal is to support students with opportunities outside HS and beyond. The position will also be assisting with the demand in the continuing changes in legislation and testing requirements.
  • Student Services Coordinator -  position has been in place with a teacher on special assignment filling the role. Move from a teacher on special assignment to and administrative role.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board Member

Seconded: Dr. Allison Fagan, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  
Ms. Madelyn WeckerX  

14.2 15-182

It is recommended the Board approve the transfer of accumulated sick leave days (in excess of the 120 days, per Policy) for the following Administrative Level I employees:

James Hall 160.75 days
Robin Keating 8.75 days


  • Motion by Dr. Fagan to consent items 14.2-14.8, Seconded by by Mr. Schneider.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Dr. Allison Fagan, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Brad Schneider, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  
Ms. Madelyn WeckerX  

14.3 .

It is recommended the Board approve the increase for food service and support staff substitutes to $11.28 per hour, effective February 1, 2016.


  • Consent on 14.2, motion 15-181

14.4 .

It is recommended the Board approve a 220-day three-year Administrative Level II contract for Erin Curtis, Student Services Coordinator, $75,000 annual salary, effective July 1, 2016.


  • Consent on 14.2, motion 15-181

14.5 .

It is recommended the Board approve the following athletic supplementals, pending receipt of background checks and all necessary documentation, for the 2015/2016 school y ear:



  • Consent on 14.2, motion 15-181

14.6 .

It is recommended the Board approve a 215-day three-year Administrative Level I contract for Penny Sturtevant, District Testing/College and Career Readiness Coordinator, $86,000 annual salary, effective August 1, 2016.


  • Consent on 14.2, motion 15-181  

14.7 .

It is recommended the Board approve to increase the athletic supplemental for Jerry Hatcher, Assistant Softball Coach (JV) from .5 to full time (motion 15-162).


  • Consent on 14.2, motion 15-181

14.8 .

It is recommended the Board approve the following classified staff a balance of the year contract, 90-day contract completed, for the remainder of the 20115/2016 school year:

Rebecca L. Benjamin, Teaching Assistant, Harrison Street Elementary School
Jeffrey L. Evans, 3rd Shift Custodian, Big Walnut High School
Michael J. Hamilton, Bus Teaching Assistant
Deborah Kennedy, Bus Driver
Heather L. Mahle, Teaching Assistant, General Rosecrans Elementary School
Kelly S. Mazzi, Teaching Assistant, General Rosecrans Elementary School
Heidi A. Pallone, Teaching Assistant, General Rosecrans Elementary School
Amy L. Palmer, Teaching Assistant, General Rosecrans Elementary School
Rebecca L. Rockett, Food Service, Big Walnut Middle School
Lucy Rupert, Food Service, Big Walnut High School
Tiffany N. Tennihill, Teaching Assistant, General Rosecrans Elementary School
Lisa Webb, Office Assistant, Hylen Souders Elementary School



  • Consent 14.2, motion 15-181

15. Scheduling of Next Board Meeting
Mrs. Mindy Meyer

Special Board Meeting (Work Session):

                                        March 3, 2016
                                        7:45 A.M.
                                        Big Walnut Intermediate School, Central Office Conference Room

Regular Board Meeting:

                                        March 17, 2016
                                        6:30 P.M.
                                        Big Walnut High School, Media Center


16. 15.183 Executive Session
Mrs. Mindy Meyer

It is recommended the Board enter executive session to discuss confidential information related to negotiations with other subdivisions regarding requests for economic development assistance, to consider the employment of a public employee or official, and to confer with an attorney for the Board of Education concerning disputes involving the Board that are the subject of pending or imminent court action.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Dr. Allison Fagan, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  
Ms. Madelyn WeckerX  

17. 15-184 Adjourn
Mrs. Mindy Meyer

It is recommended the Board exit executive session and the meeting adjourns.