Board of Education Meeting

Mrs. Mindy Meyer

The mission of the Big Walnut Local Schools is to inspire and guide each student to his or her maximum potential.

Mrs. Mindy Meyer

In order to realize our mission, we will strive to achieve and maintain our vision of:

  • Student -focused, professional, collaborative staff
  • Student-focused, challenging and current curriculum
  • Supportive, involved and informed community
  • Safe, respectful and welcoming environment

Mrs. Mindy Meyer
  • Improve academic achievement
  • Improve communication
  • Plan for growth (facility plan)
  • Financial responsibility

4. President
Mrs. Mindy Meyer
  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance

5. Roll Call
Mrs. Mindy Meyer


Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Jacqi Rader, Student Rep/Alternate   

6. 15-170 Minutes
Mrs. Mindy Meyer

It is recommended the Board review and approve the minutes from the July 18, 2016 Special Board meeting and the July 21 Regular Board meeting.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Dr. Allison Fagan, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Jacqi Rader, Student Rep/Alternate   

7. Superintendent's Report
Mrs. Angie Pollock

7.1 District Goal: Improve Communication


  • Central Office Update
  • Quality Profile


  • Mrs. Pollock shared that everyone is now moved into central office and classrooms were well prepared for students in intermediate school in time for students to return to school. We currently have 310 5th graders and we needed the space. The cafeteria at BWIS is totally at capacity. Construction is still taking place at central office, bathrooms, floors, walls, doors and board office. The important thing was that the classroom were ready for the students.
  • Mr. Wecker asked how many rooms were freed up when central office staff moved out. Mrs. Pollock said 7 full size classrooms 4or 5 small rooms. 
  • Mrs. Pollock shared the Quality Profile and indicated families will be receiving one during curriculum night. Extra copies can be found at businesses around town and obviously at each bulding. In the October edition of Eagle Examiner there will be a QR code to access electronic version of the Quality Profile. 

7.2 District Goal: Planning for Growth
Mrs. Angie Pollock
  • Bond Information


  • Mrs. Pollock shared that we are getting ready to kick-off the bond phase. We spent last school year working with committees presented the plan to the board. Resolutions have been passed by the board in the past three months, which is required in order to get the bond on the ballot. We are happy to announce that Liana Lee will be heading the bond committee. We have added information to the website on the "planning for growth" tab. We will be addingn more information over the next month.  Many behind the scene activities must happen prior to the kick-off phase, including meeting with bond and financial consultants to discuss planning in greater depth.

7.3 District Goal: Student Academic Achievement
Mrs. Jen Young
  • CIP Goals
  • RTI Updates


  • Starting next month principals will begin building presentations and the goals for the 16-17 school year. With the new STAR assessment there will be more consistency. 
  • Mrs. Lawrence shared information about RTI - academic achievement and intervention go hand in hand. Universal screener will be used throughout the year to monitor progress and determine if support is needed.  

7.4 Recognitions
Mrs. Angie Pollock
  • Nick Moser, Division I All Ohio First Team - Mr. Schneider

8. Treasurer's Report
Ms. Terri Eyerman
  • Monthly Financial Report

9. 15-171 Selected Board Policy

9.1 .
  • It is recommended the Board approve the following policy changes (second reading):

    • 1240 - Evaluation of the Superintendent (Revised - Administration)
    • 1330 - Evaluation of the Treasurer (Revised - Administration)
    • 6625 - Petty Cash Accounts (checking) (Remove - Bylaws)
    • 6620 - Petty Cash Funds (cash) (Remove - Bylaws)



Result: Approved

Motioned: Dr. Allison Fagan, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Jacqi Rader, Student Rep/Alternate   

9.2 .

First reading proposed Board policy changes/additions:

  • Cash Balance Policy (New)
  • 3223 - School Counselor Evaluation Revised (Professional Staff - Revised)


  • Mrs Meyer suggested that we strike the first paragraph of the Cash Balance policy. 
  • Dr. Fagan stated that the rest of our policies are written without an introductory paragraph she supports the change to remain in alignment with the way it has been written in the past.  Mr. Wecker will red line the policy with puncuation corrections and forward to Tami.

10. Board Members Items of Interest or Discussion
Mrs. Mindy Meyer


  • Dr. Fagan shared that the regular board rep is Anna Foust but she could not attend this evening and Jacqi Rader will be filling in for her until October. Anna is a tennis player and will have matches.
  • Ms. Rader  discussed the first annual leadership summit that took place this summer; a follow-up meeting will be scheduled soon. She shared information on the Eagle's First Flight and announced that all high school students received their chromebooks over the summer. Boy's and girl's soccer have first game with Teays Valley tomorrow. The 26th is the first football game of the season, which will be a red-out.Tennis came in 2nd in 1st tournament. The homecoming parade and football game will be held on September 23 and the 24 is the dance She shared that the traffic around the high school seems to be so much better this year.
  • Dr. Fagan congratulated staff on opening day. She didn't get any of the phone calls about late buses, etc. No calls is a good reflection on how things are going. She will be attending the OSBA Regional Legislative Breakfast where candidtaes from State Legislature as well as Department of Ed will be speaking. She will provide feedback to the board.
  • Mr. Wecker said his summer was too short and he cannot believe it is over already.
  • Mr. Schneider said it was exciting to be in the first chromebook distribution at the HS. It went very smooth and he heard nothing but positive feedback from people regarding the process. We need to to be aware of crosswalks; students have a place to go- take your time and help them to get to school safely. 
  • Mrs. Hess congratulated those that were moving into dorms. She received an email today from OSBA asking for donations for the Louisianna School Board for students that cannot be in school. Wanted to give a huge thank you for how the administration went out of their way to support the Young family. It meant a lot to her family to see that support. She just really wants everyone to know how much the board appreciates the support.
  • Mrs. Meyer also thanked the community and staff for their support of the Young family along with Jeff Bennett who led a time of prayer before school started for those that wanted to attend. She spoke with George Kaitsa and understands that the tax calculator should be up by the end of the month. When you use the calculator it will calculate on current value but as we add homes and they bring money to the table, the amount will decrease across the board. She was really glad to see the quality profile and appreciates all of the work that went into such a helpful document. It provides a more comprehensive picture of our district. If enough districts put the time and money into this maybe ODE will see that there is more to the kids than a day of testing. She knows it was a huge undertaking and is grateful for all of the work that went into the project.

11. Public Participation
Mrs. Mindy Meyer

This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not considered a public community meeting. This is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda. (Please reference criteria for Public Participation, which is attached to the agenda.)


  • Scheduled - Liana Lee shared that the Community for Eagle Pride  are picking up the pace and hit the grown running last week. The website will be the Big Walnut Bond Issue. Hopefully Facebook will approve the change. The two changes will be rolled out together. Right now we are working behind the scenes preparing talking points and trainings for speakers and identifying key volunteers. We are looking to fill a lot of key positions. Very excited to find out that Matthew Cropper, located in Delaware, was going to provide a reduced price and has now decided to provide services freee of charge to the committee. This is huge....the service entails creating maps to identify voters, etc. Last day to register is October 11. You can make request for absentee ballot right now. Community for Eagle Pride is accepting contributions.
  • Unscheduled - None

12. Business Items
Mrs. Mindy Meyer

12.1 15-172

It is recommended the Board approve the bus stops for the 2016/2017 school year and authorizes the Superintendent or Designee to make changes in bus stops as needed.


  • Student rep vote was not called.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Dr. Allison Fagan, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Jacqi Rader, Student Rep/Alternate   

12.2 15-173
Ms. Terri Eyerman

It is recommended that the Board approve the purchase of 4 buses from Cardinal Bus Sales and Service, Inc., the selected vendor from the competitive bid process approved at July 2016 Board meeting and the municipal lease agreement with De Lage Landen Public Finance LLC for the financing of said purchase.


  • Student rep vote not called.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Brad Schneider, Board Member

Seconded: Dr. Allison Fagan, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Jacqi Rader, Student Rep/Alternate   

12.3 15-174

It is recommended the Board accept the following donation:

  • $20 donated to BWHS Renaissance, donated by Jessica Currier (BWHS Renaissance Fund # 300-9001)


  • Student rep vote not called.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Dr. Allison Fagan, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Jacqi Rader, Student Rep/Alternate   

12.4 15-175

It is recommended the Board approve the extended field trips:

  • BW FFA, Muskingum FFA Camp, Carrolton, OH, September 25-27, 2016
  • BW FFA, National FFA Competition, Indianapolis, IN, October 18-22, 2016


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice President

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Jacqi Rader, Student Rep/AlternateX  

13. Human Resource Items
Mr. Mark Cooper

13.1 15-176

It is recommended the Board approve the resignation of the following effective at the end of the 2015/2016 school year:

  • Lauren Ring, General Rosecrans Elementary, Kindergarten 
  • Lucy Rupert, Food Service Worker, Big Walnut High School 


  • Dr. Fagan moved, Mrs. Hess seconded  for consent on item 13.1 through 13.12.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Dr. Allison Fagan, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Jacqi Rader, Student Rep/AlternateX  

13.2 .

It is recommended the Board approve the revision of hours for Tammy Totten, Food Service Worker, Big Walnut Intermediate, from 2-hours per day to 3-hours per day.


  • consent on item13.1, motion 15-176

13.3 .

It is recommended the board approve the revision of motion 15-163 for the following co-curricular supplementals:



  • consent on item 13.1, motion 15-176

13.4 .

It is recommended the Board approve the revision to motion 15-164:

  • supplemental contract for Jazmine Reed, Assistant Volleyball Coach, revise from a .5 position to .75, group 4, step 4


  • vote on item 13.1, motion 15-176

13.5 .

It is recommended the Board approve to rescind the following portion of motion 15-164:

  • supplemental contract for the 2016/2017 school year for Todd Palmore Assistant Freshman Football Coach, group 3, step 8


  • consent on item 13.5, motion 15-176

13.6 .

It is recommended the Board approve fifty-seven (57) days for Lisa Shaw for the 2016/2017 school year, making her retirement date November 2, 2016 (per the information provided from STRS motion 15-149).


  • consent on item 13.1, motion 15-176

13.7 .

It is recommended the Board approve a 90-day contract to the following classified staff:

  • Joshua Hall, 2nd shift Custodian, Hylen Souders Elementary, step 1, effective August 1, 2016
  • Jennifer Barr, Teaching Assistant - Special Education, General Rosecrans Elementary, step 1
  • Lloyd Huffer, Teaching Assistant - Special Education, Big Walnut Intermediate School, step 0
  • Trina Roberts, Teaching Assistant - Special Education, General Rosecrans Elementary, step 0
  • Ashley Hefner, Teaching Assistant - Special Education, General Rosecrans Elementary, step 0
  • Lucy Rupert, Teaching Assistant - Special Education, Alternative Education Site, step 0
  • Kristi Bihler, Teaching Assistant - Special Education, Big Walnut High School, step 1 
  • Kim Davis, Teaching Assistant - Bus Aide, 6 hours per day, step 0
  • Denise Stephens - 2-hour Food Service Worker, Big Walnut Intermediate, step 9
  • Nichole Hall - 3-hour Food Service Worker, Harrison Street Elementary, step 0
  • Jill Bryan - 2-hour Food Service Worker, Big Walnut Elementary, step 0
  • Don Bellville - Bus Driver, step 1


  • consent on item 13.1, motion 15-176

13.8 .

It is recommended the Board approve a one-year co-curricular supplemental contract for Anna Cordas, PAC member, group 7 step 0.


  • consent on item 13.1, motion 15-176

13.9 .

It is recommended the Board approve the following athletic supplemental contracts for the 2016/2017 school year pending receipt of background checks and all necessary documentation:

  • Brittany Paxton, .75 Assistant Volleyball Coach, group 5 step 0
  • Jason Ronk, Assistant Football Coach, group 3 step 0
  • Joe Reed, Football Volunteer 
  • Will Studlien, Football Volunteer
  • Steve Palmer, .5 BWHS Athletic Facility Manager, group 3 step 0
  • Joe Weaver, .5 BWHS Athletic Facility Manager, group 3 step 3
  • Jack Schone, Head Baseball Coach, group 2, step 11
  • Brett Bartlett, High School Strength Coach, group 3, step 0



  • consent on item 13.1, motion 15-176

13.10 .

It is recommended the Board approve a one-year contract for the 2016/2017 school year for the following certified staff:

  • Kaylann Yankie, 1st Grade Teacher, Big Walnut Elementary, BA step 5
  • Katy Gantz, 1st Grade Teacher, Harrison Street Elementary, BA step 5
  • Krystle Skaziak, Kindergarten Teacher, General Rosecrans Elementary, BA step 4


  • consent on item 13.1, motion 15-176

13.11 .

It is recommended the Board approve the Middle & High School Athletic Directors to secure Athletic Event Workers and maintain the list of all approved workers throughout the 2016/2017 school year for all sporting events. These workers will be paid from the Athletic Fund at a rate of $14.50 per hour.


  • consent item 13.1, motion 15-176

13.12 .

It is recommended the Board approve the Superintendent or Designee to hire and maintain a list of classified substitute workers at the board approved rate for the 2016/2017 school year, upon receipt of background checks and all necessary documentation.


  • consent on item 13.1, motion 15-176

14. Scheduling of Next Board Meeting
Mrs. Mindy Meyer

Special Board Meeting:

                                                     September 8, 2016
                                                     7:30 a.m.
                                                     Location TBD

Regular Board Meeting:

                                                     September 15, 2016
                                                     6:30 p.m.
                                                     Big Walnut High School Innovation (Media) Center



  • Special meeting will be at the Administrative Office if the doors arrive, if not the meeting will be held in the guidance office at the high school.

15. 15-177 Executive Session
Mrs. Mindy Meyer

It is recommended the Board enter Executive Session to consider the employment of a public employee or official and to review negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms and conditions of their employment.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice President

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Jacqi Rader, Student Rep/Alternate  X

16. 15-178 Adjourn
Mrs. Mindy Meyer

It is recommended the Board exit Executive Session and the meeting adjourns.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board Member

Seconded: Dr. Allison Fagan, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, Board MemberX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Jacqi Rader, Student Rep/Alternate