Board of Education Meeting

Big Walnut High School, Media (Innovation) Center
Thursday, August 18, 2016 - 6:30pm - 8:30pm

    Mrs. Mindy Meyer

    The mission of the Big Walnut Local Schools is to inspire and guide each student to his or her maximum potential.

    2. OUR VISION:
    Mrs. Mindy Meyer

    In order to realize our mission, we will strive to achieve and maintain our vision of:

    • Student -focused, professional, collaborative staff
    • Student-focused, challenging and current curriculum
    • Supportive, involved and informed community
    • Safe, respectful and welcoming environment

    Mrs. Mindy Meyer
    • Improve academic achievement
    • Improve communication
    • Plan for growth (facility plan)
    • Financial responsibility

    4. President
    Mrs. Mindy Meyer
    1. Call to Order
    2. Pledge of Allegiance

    5. Roll Call
    Mrs. Mindy Meyer

    6. 15-170 Minutes
    Mrs. Mindy Meyer

    It is recommended the Board review and approve the minutes from the July 18, 2016 Special Board meeting and the July 21 Regular Board meeting.

    7. Superintendent's Report
    Mrs. Angie Pollock

    7.1 District Goal: Improve Communication


    • Central Office Update
    • Quality Profile

    7.2 District Goal: Planning for Growth
    Mrs. Angie Pollock
    • Bond Information

    7.3 District Goal: Student Academic Achievement
    Mrs. Jen Young
    • CIP Goals
    • RTI Updates

    7.4 Recognitions
    Mrs. Angie Pollock
    • Nick Moser, Division I All Ohio First Team - Mr. Schneider

    8. Treasurer's Report
    Ms. Terri Eyerman
    • Monthly Financial Report

    9. 15-171 Selected Board Policy

    9.1 .
    • It is recommended the Board approve the following policy changes (second reading):

      • 1240 - Evaluation of the Superintendent (Revised - Administration)
      • 1330 - Evaluation of the Treasurer (Revised - Administration)
      • 6625 - Petty Cash Accounts (checking) (Remove - Bylaws)
      • 6620 - Petty Cash Funds (cash) (Remove - Bylaws)


    9.2 .

    First reading proposed Board policy changes/additions:

    • Cash Balance Policy (New)
    • 3223 - School Counselor Evaluation Revised (Professional Staff - Revised)

    10. Board Members Items of Interest or Discussion
    Mrs. Mindy Meyer

    11. Public Participation
    Mrs. Mindy Meyer

    This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not considered a public community meeting. This is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda. (Please reference criteria for Public Participation, which is attached to the agenda.)

    12. Business Items
    Mrs. Mindy Meyer

    12.1 15-172

    It is recommended the Board approve the bus stops for the 2016/2017 school year and authorizes the Superintendent or Designee to make changes in bus stops as needed.

    12.2 15-173
    Ms. Terri Eyerman

    It is recommended that the Board approve the purchase of 4 buses from Cardinal Bus Sales and Service, Inc., the selected vendor from the competitive bid process approved at July 2016 Board meeting and the municipal lease agreement with De Lage Landen Public Finance LLC for the financing of said purchase.

    12.3 15-174

    It is recommended the Board accept the following donation:

    • $20 donated to BWHS Renaissance, donated by Jessica Currier (BWHS Renaissance Fund # 300-9001)

    12.4 15-175

    It is recommended the Board approve the extended field trips:

    • BW FFA, Muskingum FFA Camp, Carrolton, OH, September 25-27, 2016
    • BW FFA, National FFA Competition, Indianapolis, IN, October 18-22, 2016

    13. Human Resource Items
    Mr. Mark Cooper

    13.1 15-176

    It is recommended the Board approve the resignation of the following effective at the end of the 2015/2016 school year:

    • Lauren Ring, General Rosecrans Elementary, Kindergarten 
    • Lucy Rupert, Food Service Worker, Big Walnut High School 

    13.2 .

    It is recommended the Board approve the revision of hours for Tammy Totten, Food Service Worker, Big Walnut Intermediate, from 2-hours per day to 3-hours per day.

    13.3 .

    It is recommended the board approve the revision of motion 15-163 for the following co-curricular supplementals:


    13.4 .

    It is recommended the Board approve the revision to motion 15-164:

    • supplemental contract for Jazmine Reed, Assistant Volleyball Coach, revise from a .5 position to .75, group 4, step 4

    13.5 .

    It is recommended the Board approve to rescind the following portion of motion 15-164:

    • supplemental contract for the 2016/2017 school year for Todd Palmore Assistant Freshman Football Coach, group 3, step 8

    13.6 .

    It is recommended the Board approve fifty-seven (57) days for Lisa Shaw for the 2016/2017 school year, making her retirement date November 2, 2016 (per the information provided from STRS motion 15-149).

    13.7 .

    It is recommended the Board approve a 90-day contract to the following classified staff:

    • Joshua Hall, 2nd shift Custodian, Hylen Souders Elementary, step 1, effective August 1, 2016
    • Jennifer Barr, Teaching Assistant - Special Education, General Rosecrans Elementary, step 1
    • Lloyd Huffer, Teaching Assistant - Special Education, Big Walnut Intermediate School, step 0
    • Trina Roberts, Teaching Assistant - Special Education, General Rosecrans Elementary, step 0
    • Ashley Hefner, Teaching Assistant - Special Education, General Rosecrans Elementary, step 0
    • Lucy Rupert, Teaching Assistant - Special Education, Alternative Education Site, step 0
    • Kristi Bihler, Teaching Assistant - Special Education, Big Walnut High School, step 1 
    • Kim Davis, Teaching Assistant - Bus Aide, 6 hours per day, step 0
    • Denise Stephens - 2-hour Food Service Worker, Big Walnut Intermediate, step 9
    • Nichole Hall - 3-hour Food Service Worker, Harrison Street Elementary, step 0
    • Jill Bryan - 2-hour Food Service Worker, Big Walnut Elementary, step 0
    • Don Bellville - Bus Driver, step 1

    13.8 .

    It is recommended the Board approve a one-year co-curricular supplemental contract for Anna Cordas, PAC member, group 7 step 0.

    13.9 .

    It is recommended the Board approve the following athletic supplemental contracts for the 2016/2017 school year pending receipt of background checks and all necessary documentation:

    • Brittany Paxton, .75 Assistant Volleyball Coach, group 5 step 0
    • Jason Ronk, Assistant Football Coach, group 3 step 0
    • Joe Reed, Football Volunteer 
    • Will Studlien, Football Volunteer
    • Steve Palmer, .5 BWHS Athletic Facility Manager, group 3 step 0
    • Joe Weaver, .5 BWHS Athletic Facility Manager, group 3 step 3
    • Jack Schone, Head Baseball Coach, group 2, step 11
    • Brett Bartlett, High School Strength Coach, group 3, step 0


    13.10 .

    It is recommended the Board approve a one-year contract for the 2016/2017 school year for the following certified staff:

    • Kaylann Yankie, 1st Grade Teacher, Big Walnut Elementary, BA step 5
    • Katy Gantz, 1st Grade Teacher, Harrison Street Elementary, BA step 5
    • Krystle Skaziak, Kindergarten Teacher, General Rosecrans Elementary, BA step 4

    13.11 .

    It is recommended the Board approve the Middle & High School Athletic Directors to secure Athletic Event Workers and maintain the list of all approved workers throughout the 2016/2017 school year for all sporting events. These workers will be paid from the Athletic Fund at a rate of $14.50 per hour.

    13.12 .

    It is recommended the Board approve the Superintendent or Designee to hire and maintain a list of classified substitute workers at the board approved rate for the 2016/2017 school year, upon receipt of background checks and all necessary documentation.

    14. Scheduling of Next Board Meeting
    Mrs. Mindy Meyer

    Special Board Meeting:

                                                         September 8, 2016
                                                         7:30 a.m.
                                                         Location TBD

    Regular Board Meeting:

                                                         September 15, 2016
                                                         6:30 p.m.
                                                         Big Walnut High School Innovation (Media) Center


    15. 15-177 Executive Session
    Mrs. Mindy Meyer

    It is recommended the Board enter Executive Session to consider the employment of a public employee or official and to review negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms and conditions of their employment.

    16. 15-178 Adjourn
    Mrs. Mindy Meyer

    It is recommended the Board exit Executive Session and the meeting adjourns.
