Board of Education Meeting

Big Walnut High School, Media (Innovation) Center
Thursday, November 17, 2016 - 6:30pm - 8:30pm

    Mrs. Mindy Meyer

    The mission of the Big Walnut Local Schools is to inspire and guide each student to his or her maximum potential.

    2. OUR VISION:
    Mrs. Mindy Meyer

    In order to realize our mission, we will strive to achieve and maintain our vision of:

    • Student -focused, professional, collaborative staff
    • Student-focused, challenging and current curriculum
    • Supportive, involved and informed community
    • Safe, respectful and welcoming environment

    Mrs. Mindy Meyer
    • Improve academic achievement
    • Improve communication
    • Plan for growth (facility plan)
    • Financial responsibility

    4. President
    Mrs. Mindy Meyer
    1. Call to Order
    2. Pledge of Allegiance

    5. Roll Call
    Mrs. Mindy Meyer

    6. 15-203 Minutes
    Mrs. Mindy Meyer

    It is recommended the Board review and approve the minutes from the October 13, 2016 Special meeting and the October 20, 2016 Regular meeting.

    7. Superintendent's Report
    Mrs. Angie Pollock

    7.1 District Goal: Student Academic Achievement
    • Academic Update 
    • Harrison Street Elementary CIP Update - Kim Castiglione
    • Harrison Street Elementary Building Presentation

    7.2 District Goal: Improve Communication
    • Adopt a Family 

    7.3 District Goal: Planning for Growth
    • Big Walnut Bond Issue - election results and initial discussion

    8. Recognitions
    Mrs. Mindy Meyer
    • Ella Gianettino, Student of the Month, Harrison Street Elementary - Mr. Wecker
    • Danielle Bingman, Student of the Month, Big Walnut High School - Dr. Fagan

    9. Treasurer's Report
    Ms. Terri Eyerman

    9.1 District Goal: Financial Responsibility
    • Monthly Financial

    10. Selected Board Policy
    Mrs. Angie Pollock

    10.1 15-204

    It is recommended the Board adopt the following policies (second reading):

    • 1422 - Nondiscrimination & Equal Employment Opportunity (Administration - Revised)
    • 1623 - Section 504/ADA Prohibition Against Disability Discrimination in Employment (Administration - Revised)
    • 1662 - Anti-Harassment (Administration - Revised
    • 2260 - Nondiscrimination and Access to Equal Educational Opportunity (Program - Revised)
    • 3122 - Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity (Professional Staff - Revised)
    • 3123 - Section 504/ADA  Against Disability Discrimination in Employment (Professional Staff - Revised)
    • 4122 - Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity
    • 4123 - Section 504/ADA Prohibition Against Disability Discrimination in Employment
    • 5517 - Anti-Harassment (Students - Revised)
    • 2271 - College Credit Plus Program (Program - Revised)
    • 2370 - Educational Options (Program - Revised)
    • 2460.03 - Independent Educational Evaluations (Program - Revised)
    • 2623.02 - Third Grade Reading Guarantee (Program - Revised)
    • 4162 - Drug and Alcohol Testing of CDL License Holders (Classified Staff - Revised)
    • 5112 - Entrance Requirements (Students - Revised)
    • 5200 - Attendance (Students - Revised)
    • 5320 - Immunization (Students - Revised)
    • 7300 - Disposition of Real Property/Personal Property (Property - Revised)
    • 9270 - Equivalent Education Outside the Schools (Relations - Revised)

    11. Board Members Items of Interest or Discussion
    Mrs. Mindy Meyer

    12. Public Participation
    Mrs. Mindy Meyer

    This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not considered a public community meeting. This is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda. (Please reference criteria for Public Participation, which is attached to the agenda.)

    13. Business Items
    Mrs. Mindy Meyer

    13.1 15-205
    Ms. Terri Eyerman

    It is recommended the Board approve the Bond Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Bonds  for the Purpose of  Refunding a Portion of Bonds Issued 2009 for the Purpose of Constructing School Facilities; Renovating, Improving and Constructing Additions to School Facilities; Furnishing and Equipping the Same; Improving the Sites Thereof; and Acquiring Land and Interest in Land as Necessary in Connection Therewith; and Authorizing and Approving Related Matters

    13.2 15-206
    Ms. Terri Eyerman

    It is recommended the Board approve the 2015 Semi-Annual Bond payment:

    • BNY Mellon - $425,406.88 - 2009 School Improv #BIGWAL09
    • BNY Mellon - $759,927.50 - 2009 School Improv #BWWAQSCB09D
    • BNY Mellon - $622,931.25  - 2012 Refunding #BIGWAL12
    • BNY Mellon - $188,978.13  - 2014 Refunding #BIGWAL14
    • Huntington -  $148,875.00 - 2015 Refunding
    • Total  $2,146,118.76

    13.3 15-207
    Ms. Terri Eyerman

    It is recommended the Board approve amended appropriations.

    13.4 15-208
    Ms. Terri Eyerman

    It is recommended the Board approve the new BWHS Print Shop student activity account.

    13.5 15-209
    Ms. Terri Eyerman

    It is recommended the Board approve the 2017 Insurance Rates.

    13.6 15-210
    Mrs. Laura Lawrence

    It is recommended the Board approve the agreement between Big Walnut Local School District and The Buckeye Ranch.

    13.7 15-211

    It is recommended the Board approve the agreement between Big Walnut Local Schools and Enlit, LLC.

    13.8 15-212

    It is recommended the Board approve the Resolution Declaring Transportation to be Impractical for Certain Identified Schools.

    13.9 15-213
    Mrs. Angie Pollock

    It is recommended the Board accept the following donations:

    • $4,140.00 donated to BWHS Athletics, donated by Platinum Reality Group (BWHS Athletic Fund 300-9500)
    • $360.00 donated to BWIS, donated by AEP (BWIS Principal Fund 018-9009)
    • $100 donated to BWMS, donated by Brady Hicks (BWMS Principal Fund 018-9002)
    • $193.60 donated to BWHS Yearbook, donated by Kroger Community Rewards (BWHS Yearbook Fund 200-9680)
    • $3,000.00 donated to BWHS Challenge Day, donated by Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery of Columbus, Inc. - Rob & Stacey Houser (BWHS Challenge Day Fund 200-9610
    • $500.00 donated to BWHS Challenge Day, donated by Sunbury Lions Club (BWHS Challenge Day Fund 200-9610)
    • $300.00 donated to BWHS Challenge Day, donated by Sunbury Business Group (BWHS Challenge Day Fund 200-9610)
    • $500.00 donated to BWHS Eagle Strong/ Renaissance, donated by Sunbury Lions Club (BWHS Eagle Strong/Renaissance Fund 300-9001
    • $250.00 donated to BWHS Athletic, donated by Central Catholic High School (BWHS AthleticFund 300-9500

    13.10 15-214

    It is recommended the Board approve the following extended field trips:

    • BWHS Wrestling Team, wrestling tournament in Fairborn, OH, Wright State University, December 27-28, 2016
    • 8th Grade Class Trip, Washington D.C., May 16-19, 2017

    13.11 15-215
    Ms. Terri Eyerman

    It is recommended the Board approve the Ohio School Consortium Master Supply Agreement  for electric power at $.03532 per kWh to be supplied by Direct Energy.

    14. Human Resource Items
    Mr. Mark Cooper

    14.1 15-216

    It is recommended the Board accept the following resignations, due to retirement:

    • Denise Sayre, Big Walnut High School Building Secretary, effective December 31, 2016
    • April Grandominico, Big Walnut High School Social Studies Teacher, effective at the end of the 2016/2017 school year

    14.2 .

    It is recommended the Board rescind the co-curricular contract for Patty Cooper, Junior Class Advisor, motion 15-140.

    14.3 15-217

    It is recommended the Board approve the following co-curricular supplements for the 2016-2017 school year:

    • Jeanne Collett, .5 BWHS Junior Class Advisor, group 4 step 0
    • Meagan Vituccio, .5 BWHS Junior Class Advisor, group 4 step 3

    14.4 .

    It is recommended the Board approve the attached athletic supplementals for the 2016-2017:

    14.5 15-218

    It is recommended the Board approve a 90-day contract for the following classified staff:

    • Stacie McGuire, Big Walnut High School Teaching Assistant - Classroom, step 0, effective November 14, 2016
    • Steve Link, Big Walnut District Administrative Office Second Shift Custodian, 2 hours per day, step 1, effective November 16, 2016

    14.6 15-219

    It is recommended the Board approve the Memorandum of Understanding between The Big Walnut Local Board of Education and OAPSE/AFSCME Local 4/AFL-CIO and It's Local #696 agree that Article 16 - Personal Business Leave, should be revised to add the following, effective retroactive July 1, 2015:

         16.01. Any unused personal day(s) may be carried over per year, up to a maximum accumulation of five personal                 days

    14.7 15-220

    It is recommended the Board approve the Memorandum of Agreement between The Big Walnut Local Board of Education and OAPSE/AFSCME Local 4/AFL-CIO and It's Local #525 agreeing that Article 30-Uniform Allowance should be revised to the following for the 2016/2017 school year:

    • The Board will make a one-time stipend payment on November 15, 2016, to all Custodial, Maintenance, and Mechanic Personnel per the following schedule:              
                Custodians $130
                Mechanics/Maintenance Personnel $180         

    15. Scheduling of Next Board Meeting
    Mrs. Mindy Meyer

    Special Board Meeting:

                                                         December 8, 2016
                                                         7:30 a.m.
                                                         Big Walnut District Administrative Office

    Regular Board Meeting:

                                                        December 15, 2016
                                                        6:30 p.m.
                                                        Big Walnut High School Media (Innovation) Center



    16. 15-221 Executive Session
    Mrs. Mindy Meyer

    It is recommended the Board enter Executive Session to consider the employment of a public employee or official, to confer with an attorney for the board of education concerning disputes involving the board that are the subject of pending or imminent court action and to discuss confidential information related to negotiations with other subdivisions regarding requests for economic development assistance.

    17. 15-222 Adjourn
    Mrs. Mindy Meyer

    It is recommended the Board exit Executive Session and the meeting adjourns.
