Board of Education Meeting

Mr. Andy Wecker

In order to realize our mission, we will strive to achieve and maintain our vision of:

  • Student -focused, professional, collaborative staff
  • Student-focused, challenging and current curriculum
  • Supportive, involved and informed community
  • Safe, respectful and welcoming environment

Mr. Andy Wecker
  • Improve academic achievement
  • Improve communication
  • Plan for growth (facility plan)
  • Financial responsibility

3. President
Mr. Andy Wecker
  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Roll Call
Mr. Andy Wecker


  • Mrs. Hess not in attendance.
Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board Member   
Mr. Brad Schneider, Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Ms. Anna FoustX  

5. 17-040 Minutes
Mr. Andy Wecker

It is recommended the Board review and approve the minutes from the January 19, 2017 Regular meeting, February 9, 2017 Regular meeting, February 16, 2017 Regular meeting and the February 22, 2017 Special meeting.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board Member

Seconded: Dr. Allison Fagan, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board Member   
Mr. Brad Schneider, Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Ms. Anna FoustX  

6. Superintendent's Report
Mrs. Angie Pollock

6.1 District Goal: Student Academic Achievement
  • Academic Update - Mrs. Jen Young
  • Kindergarten & Preschool Registration

6.2 District Goal: Improve Communication
  • Board members available 30 minutes before monthly meetings for community input
  • Golden Eagle Mentor - nominations online
  • May 18 Board meeting will be moved to the Innovation Center at the BWHS

6.3 District Growth: Planning for Growth
  • Growth & Facility Options


  • Mrs. Pollock shared that they will be sharing options for next year but also looking at long-term.
  • Mr. Cooper referenced the four options he shared at the last board meeting. Option 1 would be to shuttle students specifically GRE. Two teachers will need to be added to that building with no classroom available.Shuttling students would have little financial impact on the district but a huge instructional loss to students - approximately 150 hours loss of instructional time due to transporting. Students would take their normal bus to GRE and then transfer to another bus to transfer to SOU. It would be a very difficult decision to determine what class of students that would be transferred. Besides the amount of additional time on the bus for these students, the social and emotional impact needs to be considered.
  • Dr. Fagan questioned if the 150 hours is per student. Mr. Cooper yes it is per student.
  • Mrs. Pollocked reminded everyone that there is not a lot of space at SOU there are two classrooms that currently are being used for related services, they would have to find space in a little nook or cranny to free of the room.
  • Dr. Fagan asked what would the impact be on students if OT and PT were moved to halls or smaller spaces. Mrs. Pollock shared obviously there would be a negative impact on students.
  • Mr. Schneider would one grade level be transferred or a mixture of students that would be intermingled with SOU students. Mr. Cooper stated that the thought would be one grade level. Mr. Schneider asked what would be the impact on class sizes. Mr. Cooper stated that grades k-3 would be approximately 25, grades 4-6 approximately 27 and 29 at the middle and high school level. Mr. Schneider knows that lunch space is overcrowded throughout the district - what would this look like at SOU with adding the students. Mrs. Pollock said the logistics have not been finalized but because the lunch room and gym share a space if a lunch period needs to be added it could cut into PE.
  • Option 2 would be to add a trailer at GRE and renovate the storage trailer at BWE. A lot of repairs need to take place to the trailer we currently have at BWE. The renovation cost is in addition to the $100K estimated cost for the trailer at GRE.
  • Mr. Wecker asked if we are looking at new or used trailers? Mr. Cooper answered that we are looking at used,  new is too expensive. Renting is a possibility but with the amount of time needed it is more cost effective to purchase. The cost of the trailers and repairs will need to come from our operating budget, which hires teachers. Other concerns are security, utility costs and what students or grades to place in the trailer classroom
  • Mrs. Pollock shared that the $100,000 cost is not just the trailer, it includes the foundation, placement, etc.
  • Option 3 is renting space from nearby churches. The cons outweigh the positives on this option. This option will also have loss of instructional time, the additional cost of staffing, logistics of balancing the space with evening church and school evening activities along with religious items at the churches. Another issue is breakfast and lunch would need to be brought into the facility.
  • Mr. Schneide asked if we can benchmark that has done this recently in another district. Mr. Cooper stated no but Mr. McClure was in a district where they did facilitate this option.Mrs. Pollock stated honestly, this is probably not viable for next year, but could possibly be a future.
  • Dr. Fagan shared the concern that religious items can be covered or not; however, a student still knows pulling up to a church and it might not work for some children. Is there any ecumenical space within the BW footprint. Mrs. Pollock stated that when we were looking for admin office we looked around and a space to fit our needs really isn't available; however, we are always open to discussion if something comes available.
  • Dr. Fagan wants to know what it would look like for a student that would lose 150 hours of instructional time. Mr. Cooper explained that we can not cut into lunch, recess or specials -  it means core subjects would suffer the loss of time.
  • Mr. Schneider questioned how many students would be in a classroom if we went with option 4. Would we look at students that would need to make up hours if we were to have calamity days that others would not need to make up? Mr. Cooper indicated again that these are logistics that we have not crossed yet. Mrs. Pollock shared that being in a kindergarten classroom of 25 is overwhelming to reach all the students with an aid - from tying shoes, wiping noses, comforting them and teaching them to read. She really struggles in increasing class sizes at the primary levels. Studies show that larger classrooms lead to intervention needs later.
  • Mrs. Meyer feels that losing 150 hours of instruction time can also lead to intervention.
  • Dr. Fagan asked if the cost of option 2 includes security? Could we expand camera system from the building? Mr. Cooper said we are looking into a covered corridor and a wireless security system.
  • Mrs. Pollock shared the updated costs from our architect of high school and elementary with inflation. She discussed cost and different options such as renovating buildings with a PI mileage.
  • Mr.Schneider questioned if we would be taking another sweep of improvements. Mrs. Pollock said before we were looking at 30M upgrades to existing buildings. In listening to the feedback from the survey security and electrical improvements are a priority. We are trying to cross things off the list as we can to try and reduce the amount.
  • Dr. Fagan questioned what would be the impact of doing the PI mileage. Mrs. Pollock said it would make the bond money last longer. We will need to add approximately 23 staff members for the 2017/18 school year to accommodate for growth.

6.4 District Goal: Financial Responsibility
  • Financial Update - Ohio Auditor of State Award with Distinction, Tim Kraft

7. Recognitions
  • Grace Young, Harrison Street Student of the Month, Mr. Wecker
  • Zach MacDonald, Big Walnut High School Student of the Month, Mrs. Meyer
  • Youth Art Recognitions, Dr. Fagan

8. Treasurer's Report
Ms. Terri Eyerman

8.1 Monthly Financial Reports

9. Board Members Items of Interest or Discussion


  • Ms. Foust shared that the sophomores created a boys volleyball tournament, which raised over $900 - plan to have annually. May have teacher team and/or alumni teams as well. Will be electing class officers in April. HS students will be talking to 8th graders about hs experience. Alumni Hall of Fame luncheon went well.
  • Dr. Fagan congratulated student musicians that went to a competition - two groups will go on to state. Congratulations to drama group for the production of Annie. She loves to see articles in the New York Times that we are doing - an article that basically stated to fix schools get the principal. We live this example of starting with the instructional leaders.
  • Mr. Schneider thanked Mr. Hoffman for the opportunity to spend time with and read to students. Also thanked PTO for the art experience. The annual art show will be on April 6 and there will be food trucks there. There was an article in the Dispatch about the cost of college and student loans. Important to help students make smart decisions and how important our college and career readiness program is and thanked local businesses for getting involved.
  • Mrs. Meyer shared it is so great to see so many kids in the play.  Boys volleyball was great, everyone had a lot of fun. Grateful for those on the committee are willing to come to the table and help us with building/facility plan - these matters are not our core business but it is theirs. Thanked them for their time donated.
  • Mr. Wecker appreciates recess time for kids to get some energy out so they can sit to learn. His son came home from HSE and was displaying a mime routine - he thought it was very creative.  Use to be difficult to get enough kids involved to make a team now kids are being more active. He is happy to hear of the number of students on teams now.He feels bad for the situation the  DACC is in for an error that was no fault of theirs. Delaware County hosted a state of address with commissioners speaking. Questions were raised about what they are doing to help schools with developments coming in. Good to hear Commissioner Merrill pay lip service to support of schools. If he had to voice an option he would opt for the of trailers, which he don't like, but it is better than putting kids on the road.






























10. Public Participation

This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not considered a public community meeting. This is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda. (Please reference criteria for Public Participation, which is attached to the agenda.)


  • No scheduled participation
  • No unscheduled participation



11. 17-041 Business Items
Mr. Andy Wecker

11.1 .

It is recommended the Board accept the following donations:

  • $1,006.12 donated to BWHS National Honor Society, fundraiser for Pennies for Patients (BWHS National Honor Society Fund # 200-9710)
  • $95 donated to BWMS, Jeans Day Donation (BWMS Student Council Fund #200-9612)


Result: Approved

Motioned: Dr. Allison Fagan, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board Member   
Mr. Brad Schneider, Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Ms. Anna FoustX  

12. Human Resource Items

12.1 17-042

It is recommended the Board accept the resignations of the following staff:

  • Margaret Harlor, Food Service Worker, Big Walnut Intermediate School, effective May 31, 2017, due to retirement
  • Jann Bunyard, Teaching Assistant, Big Walnut Middle School, effective May 31, 2017, due to retirement 
  • Dale Wolfe, Bus Driver, effective June 30, 2017, due to retirement
  • Cindy Jennings, Building Secretary, Big Walnut Middle School, effective June 9, 2017, due to retirement
  • Dale Springer, Maintenance, effective June 30, 2017, due to retirement
  • Debra Morgenstern, Bus Driver, effective June 1, due to retirement
  • Jeffrey Evans, 2nd Shift Custodian, Big Walnut High School, effective end of shift March 8, 2017


  • Mrs. Meyer motioned, Mr. Schneider seconded to consent items 12.1-12.3.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Brad Schneider, Vice President

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board Member   
Mr. Brad Schneider, Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Ms. Anna FoustX  

12.2 .

It is recommended the Board approve the following athletic supplemental contracts for the 2016/2017 school year:

  • Kayla DeMuth, Assistant Coach, Girls' Lacrosse, group 4 step 0
  • Michael Brunner, Assistant Coach, Boys' Lacrosse, group 4 step 7
  • Abby Kennedy, Volunteer, Softball
  • Kalya Robinson, Girls' Lacrosse Volunteer


  • consent in item 12 motion 17-042

12.3 .

It is recommended the Board approve the revisions to the following baseball athletic supplemental contracts for 2016/2017 school year, motion 13-036:

Tim O'Brien, revise from a .75 assistant coach to a volunteer
Bill Adkins, revise from a .75 assistant coach to a full contract
Grant Beam, revise from a .75 assistant coach to a full contract
Matt Wilson, revise from a .75 assistant coach to a full contract



  • consent in item 12 motion 17-040

13. Scheduling of Next Board Meeting
Mr. Andy Wecker

Regular Board Meetings:

                                          April 13, 2017
                                          7:30 a.m.
                                          Big Walnut District Administrative Office

                                          April 20, 2017
                                          6:30 p.m.
                                          Big Walnut District Administrative Office

14. 17-043 Executive Session
Mr. Andy Wecker

It is recommended the Board enter Executive Session to consider the employment of a public employee or official and to confer with an attorney for the Board of education concerning disputes involving the board that are the subject of pending or imminent court action.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board Member

Seconded: Dr. Allison Fagan, Board Member

Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Nicci Hess, Board Member   
Mr. Brad Schneider, Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Andy Wecker, PresidentX  
Dr. Allison Fagan, Board MemberX  
Ms. Anna FoustX  

15. 17-044 Adjourn
Mr. Andy Wecker

It is recommended the Board exit executive session and meeting adjourns.