Organizational Meeting

Big Walnut District Administrative Office
Thursday, January 10, 2019 - 7:30am - 8:00am

    1. President
    Mr. Andy Wecker
    • Call to Order
    • Pledge of Allegiance

    2. Call to Order
    Mr. Andy Wecker

    3. Election
    Mr. Andy Wecker

    3.1 19-001

    Mr. Wecker, President Pro Tempore, will declare that nominations are open for President of the Big Walnut Local School Board of Education for 2019.

    Motion for President to close nominations if only one nominee and that Brad Schneider be elected as President of Big Walnut Local School Board of Education for 2019.

    3.2 19-002

    Mr. Wecker, President Pro Tempore, will declare that nominations are open for Vice President of the Big Walnut Local School Board of Education for 2019.

    Motion for President to close nominations if only one nominee and that Liana Lee be elected as Vice President of Big Walnut Local School Board of Education for 2018.

    4. Administration of Oath of Office to Newly Elected Officers
    Mr. Jeremy Buskirk

    Mr. Jeremy Buskirk, Treasurer, administers the oath of office to the newly elected President and Vice President of the Board of Education.

    5. 19-003 Date, Time and Location of Regular Meetings in 2019

    It is recommended the Board designate the second and third Thursday's of every month as regular meetings. The first meeting of the month will commence at 7:30 a.m. and the second meeting of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room located in the District Administrative Building, with the following proposed exceptions:

    • May 16 meeting will be held at BWHS Innovation Center
    • June - 3rd Thursday of month 7:30 a.m. & 4th Thursday of the month 6:30 p.m.
    • July - 3rd Thursday of the month only 6:30 p.m.
    • December - 1st Thursday of month 7:30 a.m. & 2nd Thursday of the month 6:30 p.m.


    6. Board Action

    6.1 19-004

    It is recommended the Board establish a service fund in the amount of $6,500 to provide for the expenses actually incurred by board members in the performance of their duties in accordance with Section 3313.15 O.R.C.



    6.2 19-005

    To enable the superintendent to carry out necessary duties involving operations, it is recommended that the Board of Education grant the following standing authorizations for calendar year 2019:

    Approval of Leaves of Absence and Professional Leave - The superintendent is hereby authorized to approve professional leave and unpaid employee leaves of absence for all employees.

    Employment of Personnel - the Superintendent is hereby authorized to employ personnel for existing positions necessary to meet the needs of the district subject to ratification by this Board at the next regularly scheduled school board meeting; provided, however, that upon ratification by this Board, such employment shall be deemed effective as of the date and time of approved hire by the superintendent. 

    Approval of Board's Designee for Appeals of Student Suspensions and Expulsions - The superintendent is hereby authorized to appoint a designee for appeals of student suspensions and expulsions.

    Approval of Tuition Waivers for Students - The superintendent is hereby authorized to approve, as appropriate, waivers of tuition for students for the permissive and required reasons specified in the Ohio Revised Code. 

    Approval of Superintendent's Authorization to Accept Resignations - The superintendent is hereby authorized to accept resignations which have been submitted by employees during times when the Board is not in session, subject to ratification by this Board; provided, however, that upon ratification by this Board, such resignation shall be deemed effective as of the date and time of the superintendent's acceptance.

    Authorization of Appointment of Purchasing Agent - The superintendent is hereby appointed as Purchasing Agent through calendar year 2019 for purchases within the annual appropriation measure.

     Authorization to Participate in Federal and State Title and/or Chapter Programs - The superintendent is hereby authorized to approve participation in State and Federal Title and/or Chapter Programs as deemed appropriate for the district.

    6.3 19-006

    To enable the treasurer to carry out necessary duties involving operations, it is recommended that the Board of Education grant the following standing authorization for calendar year 2019:

    Advances on Tax Settlements - The treasurer is hereby authorized to secure advance payments from the county auditor when funds from property taxes are available and payable to the district.

    Investment of Interim and Inactive Funds - The treasurer is hereby authorized to invest interim and inactive funds in permissible investments pursuant to Section 135.14, O.R.C., Section 135.13, H.B. 384, and Board Policy.

    Appropriation Modifications - The treasurer is hereby authorized to make appropriation modifications between fund accounts with these modifications being reported to the Board of Education for approval.

    Payment of Bills and Payrolls - The treasurer is authorized to pay all bills and payrolls within the limit of the appropriation resolutions as bills are received and when merchandise has been certified as received in good condition by the superintendent or his designee.

    Advancement of Funds - The treasurer is authorized to advance monies from the General Fund to other funds in anticipation of future receipts. When the anticipated money had been received, the advance will be returned to the General Fund.

    Establishing Bank Accounts - The treasurer is hereby authorized to establish the banking accounts deemed necessary to properly account for district funds providing the said accounts are within the limits established in the depository contracts with the banking institutions.

    Authorize Signatures on Checks - The treasurer is hereby authorized to sign all checks drawn on bank accounts of the school district as provided for in Section 3313.08 O.R.C.

    Authorized Public Records Training - The treasurer is hereby authorized to represent the Board of Education as their designee for public records training as required by House Bill 9.

    Authorization of Bonding - The treasurer is hereby authorized to purchase Faithful Performance bonds for the Local Board President, Treasurer, and Superintendent in the amount of $100,000.

    Appointment of Tax Incentive Review Council Representative - It is recommended that the board of education appoint Jeremy J. Buskirk, Treasurer/CFO as district representative to the Delaware County Tax Incentive Review Council.

    Resolutions for Waiver of Reading Minutes - It is recommended that the Board of Education, in accordance with Section 3313.26 O.R.C., waive the reading of the minutes from previous meetings.

    Resolution Adopting a Standing Authorization for the Board President for the Calendar Year 2019 - To enable the district to process state and federal grant applications in a more timely and expedient manner, it is recommended that the board president be authorized to sign all grant applications, which require the president’s signature without seeking prior board approval.

    6.4 19-007

    It is recommended the Board authorize the law firm of Bricker and Eckler, to represent the Board of Education of the Big Walnut Local School District before the Delaware County Board of Revision with respect to all matters which the Big Walnut Board of Education may commence or be a party to before such Board of Revision during the 2019 calendar year.

    It is recommended the Board authorize the law firm of McGown Markling, Attorneys at Law to provide 5 hours of pro bono legal services for the 2018-2019 school year through the School Law Hotline.

    7. Appointments

    7.1 19-008

    It is recommended the Big Walnut Board of Education make the following appointments for 2019:

    Legislative Liaison (OSBA) - Mr. Wecker
    Alternative legislative Liaison (OSBA) - Mr. Crowl
    Student Achievement Liaison (OSBA) - Mrs. Meyer
    Big Walnut Education Foundation Liaison - Mrs. Lee
    Sunbury / Big Walnut Joint Ventures Agreement Committee - Mr. Schneider


    8. Administrative Advisory & Board Committees

    8.1 19-009

    It is recommended the Big Walnut Board of Education members volunteer for the following through 2019:

    Current Standing Administrative Advisory Committees

    Academic Advisory - Mrs. Lee
    Community for Eagle Pride (Bond) - Mrs. Meyer
    Economic Development Committee - Mr. Wecker
    Finance Committee - Mr. Wecker
    Insurance Committee - Mr. Schneider
    Sunbury Meadows Community Authority Representative - Mr. Schneider
    Records Commission - Mr. Schneider
    Security Advisory - Mr. Crowl

    Current Standing Board Committee
    Facilities Planning Committee - Mr. Crowl

    Villages & Townships (Council & Zoning)
    Berkshire Township - Mr. Schneider
    Genoa Township - Mrs. Lee
    Harlem Township - Mrs. Meyer
    Kingston Township - Mr. Crowl
    Porter Township - Mr. Wecker
    Trenton Township - Mr. Crowl
    Village of Galena - Mrs. Meyer
    Village of Sunbury - Mr. Schneider

    9. 19-010 Membership

    It is recommended the Board approve the following memberships for the 2019 calendar year:

    • OSBA , estimated $7,200.00 
    • OSBA Legal Assistance Fund, $250.00
    • Metropolitan Educational Council (MEC), purchasing consortium, estimated $1,400.00  
    • Big Walnut Area Chamber of Commerce, trade of services in lieu of $375.00 membership fee 

    10. 19-011 Adjourn

    It is recommended the Board adjourn the meeting.


