Board of Education Meeting

1. Mission
Mr. Brad Schneider

The mission of the Big Walnut Local Schools is to inspire and guide each student to his or her maximum potential.


  • The meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm.

2. Vision
Mr. Brad Schneider

In order to realize our mission, we will strive to achieve and maintain our vision of:

  • Student-focused, professional, collaborative staff
  • Student-focused, challenging and current curriculum
  • Supportive, involved and informed community
  • Safe, respectful and welcoming environment



3. President
Mr. Brad Schneider
  • Call to Order
  • Pledge of Allegiance

4. Roll Call
Mr. Brad Schneider


Mr. Andy Wecker, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, PresidentX  
Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board MemberX  
Mr. Doug Crowl, Board MemberX  
Liana Lee, Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Camden Edwards, Student Board Representative   

5. District Goals
Mr. Brad Schneider
  • Improve academic achievement
  • Improve communication
  • Plan for growth (facility plan)
  • Financial responsibility

6. Superintendent's Report
Mrs. Angie Hamberg

6.1 District Goals: Student Academic Achievement

6.2 District Goal: Improve Communication

6.3 District Goal: Planning for Growth
  • Construction Update - Mr. Swartz

7. Treasurer's Report
Mr. Jeremy Buskirk

7.1 District Goal: Financial Responsibility

8. Board Members Items of Interest
Mr. Brad Schneider


  • Mr. Schneider attended the  Galena zoning meeting regarding the Black Hawk Development which was approved 3 to 2.  He indicated it is planned to have over 1,000 housing units of some kind and about 40-45% of the units are planned to be rental units of some fashion.  There is some commercial property in the development with a possibility of a hotel for individuals riding the trail.  Mr. Schneider noted that from discussions he was hearing when he left the conversation was far from over.
    •  Mr. Crowl asked if there was any mention of TIF's. 
    • Mr. Schneider stated there was no mention of TIF's but the Mayor indicated there would be NCA millage on the properties. Mr. Schneider shared with the group at the zoning meeting that although we appreciate this NCA millage, it still would not cover the impact cost of students from a development of this size. 
    • Mr. Wecker noted that if he understood things correctly that as part of the commercial component that Champion would be planning to move their corporate headquarters to that area.
  • Mr. Crowl shared that he reviewed the 2019 Quality Profile and noticed that the enrollment was from the updated FutureThink enrollment study, and he would like a copy of the study.  He also pointed out that the expenditure per pupil was $11,387, and Mr. Buskirk indicated that that was correct.  This is the number that is noted by the Ohio Department of Education. He shared that in regard to the issue that we have with the Village of Sunbury that we should be put off any longer.
  • Mr. Crowl made a motion to file a legal suit and have legal counsel proceed to get a determination of what our immunity is under Brownfield for fees that have been requested and for the collection of the fees that have already been paid.
    • There was not a second on the motion and no action was taken at this time.
    • There was further discussion regarding Mr. Crowl's point and that it has been frustrating a resolution has not come to due to perceived inaction by the Village, but the Board as a whole is not at the point that Mr. Crowl is at on this matter.

9. Public Participation
Mr. Brad Schneider

This is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not considered a public community meeting. This is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda. (Please reference criteria for Public Participation, which is attached to the agenda.)

10. Business Items

10.1 19-104
Mr. Doug Swartz

It is recommended the Board approve the CMP Amendment No. 03 to the CMR Agreement with Gilbane Building Company.


  • Mrs. Hamberg shared that overall we are not where we want to be with the budget, we want to have feedback from the Board and direction on items to work on bring the budget in line.    Some of the decisions could add scope to help with operational savings in the future and we wanted to see if these should be moved out of the project or forgone.  We would like to get to the point where we could either vote on it tonight or discuss a date for a Special Meeting because there is some concern about closing bids.  We want the Board's guidance on whether to just get it down to budget even though this is going to be hard at this point and would probably mean cutting some of the outside athletic facilities because we have taken about as much out of the building as we can or do we want to dip into unallocated bond proceeds or interest earned at this point to pay for these now.  This is the big picture of what we want to cover and obtain the Board's thoughts on next steps.
  • Mr. Swartz explained that we have been working hard on trying to determine what options we have to help with our budget, even up to an hour ago discussing things concerning athletics.  We want to go through a little bit of a work session to help understand what options we have to possibly self form or what we may be able to defer or cut.  If we were to defer, it could be something that boosters or other funding sources may be able to cover at a later date.  We want to make sure the Board has a full understanding of what is proposed because there are some hard decisions.  We believe we have cut all we can and still meet the intent of the bond issue. At this point, there are not a whole lot of decisions that would not mean redrawing plans due to shrinking the building, which would mean time and money.
  • Mrs. Hamberg shared that a part of the overage is due to additional scope of looking at extending our current owned fiber network to the new site, which would save in operational costs, or having Consolidated Electric provide the fiber connection.  We were able to do this when we built GRE and the BWIS because construction bids were coming in better and we were under budget.  If Consolidated Electric would put in our fiber it would be less expensive, but  we would be required to pay a monthly cost. 
    • After discussion, the board thought it would be better not to include this cost in the construction budget and at this point, lease it from Consolidated Electric.
  • Mr. Sewell with Gilbane, Mr. Dumford with VSWC, and Mr. Swartz went through where the budget was tracking against the actual costs from contractor bids, the GMP 3 Cost Breakdown, and all of the alternates items, and discussed each item with the Board.
  • Mrs. Hamberg asked what would happen if this was approved today and then we could find other items that could provide savings.  Mr. Dumford explained that what is being discussed is the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) and there would be a final buyout of the contracts.  If there are bid savings or overage.  If there is an overage it is covered with the CM contingency, but if there are savings it could go back into the project and allotted to owner's contingency or held for parts of the projects that we had to take out.  If the contracts are not already bought out, the savings would come during the buyout and if the contracts are already bought out, the savings would come back through a deduct change order.  Either way, the savings should come back to the project.
  • The Board discussed what the total GMP amount would be after all items discussed during the meeting and the slight modification to the elected alternates.  Mr. Schneider said that if we were able to hear that number, there was the sense from the Board that they may be able to make a motion at the meeting.
  • The group reviewed that alternate 10-03 for including Operable Partitions would now be accepted, alternate 32-03 for Asphalt Alt. C. parking area is amended from $62,700 to $25,000 and accepted.  The total guaranteed maximum price would be approved at $52,496,388.
  • The Board discussed whether they would feel comfortable taking a vote on the GMP.
  • Mr. Schneider made a motion to recommend to see the GMP amended with the new price identified here with the changes we chose and have identified for the CMR agreement with Gilbane Construction Company.
  • Changes noted are to accept the resolution with the changes of alternate 10-03 be accepted, alternate 32-03 be amended to be accepted as $25,000, and the total guaranteed maximum price would be approved at $52,496,388.
  • Mrs. Meyer seconded.

Motioned: Mr. Brad Schneider, President

Seconded: Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board Member

Mr. Andy Wecker, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, PresidentX  
Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board MemberX  
Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member X 
Liana Lee, Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Camden Edwards, Student Board Representative   

10.2 19-105
Mr. Doug Swartz

It is recommended the Board approve the resolution authorizing the execution of an access and sanitary sewer agreement.


  • Mr. Swartz reminded the Board that this is for the resident that would like to build a house next to our Middle School but needs to be able to access the sanitary sewer connection and with cross our current drive.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Andy Wecker, Board Member

Mr. Andy Wecker, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, PresidentX  
Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board MemberX  
Mr. Doug Crowl, Board MemberX  
Liana Lee, Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Camden Edwards, Student Board Representative   

11. Scheduling of Next Board Meeting
Mr. Brad Schneider

Regular Schedule Meeting:

                                September 12, 2019
                                 7:30 a.m.
                                 Administrative District Office

                                 September 19, 2019
                                 6:30 p.m.
                                 Administrative District Office


12. Executive Session
Mr. Brad Schneider

It is recommended the Board enter Executive Session to consider the employment/appointment of a public employee/official and to review negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms and conditions of their employment.


  • It was thought there would be information to be provided to the Board, but since new information was not actually available, it determined executive session was not necessary.  The Board did not vote to go into Executive Session.

13. 19-106Adjourn
Mr. Brad Schneider

It is recommended the Board exit Executive Session and the meeting adjourns. 


  • The meeting was adjourned at 6:38 pm.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board Member

Seconded: Liana Lee, Vice President

Mr. Andy Wecker, Board MemberX  
Mr. Brad Schneider, PresidentX  
Mrs. Mindy Meyer, Board MemberX  
Mr. Doug Crowl, Board MemberX  
Liana Lee, Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Camden Edwards, Student Board Representative