Board of Education Meeting

1. Mission
Mr. Brad Schneider

The mission of the Big Walnut Local Schools is to inspire and guide each student to his or her maximum potential.

2. Vision
Mr. Brad Schneider

In order to realize our mission, we will strive to achieve and maintain our vision of:
Student-focused, professional, collaborative staff
Student-focused, challenging and current curriculum
Supportive, involved and informed community
Safe, respectful and welcoming environment

3. President
Mr. Brad Schneider

Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance


  • The meeting was called to order at 7:30 am, with all members present virtually on Google Meets.

4. Roll Call
Mr. Brad Schneider


Mr. Brad Schneider, PresidentX  
Mr. Doug Crowl, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Liana Lee, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Sherri Dorsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board MemberX  

5. District Goals
Mr. Brad Schneider
  • Improve academic achievement
  • Improve communication
  • Plan for growth (facility plan)
  • Financial responsibility

6. Superintendent's Report
Mrs. Angie Hamberg

6.1 District Goals: Student Academic Achievement

6.2 District Goal: Improve Communication
  • Band Uniforms
  • 2020/2021 Planning

6.3 District Goal: Planning for Growth
  • Construction Update

7. Treasurer's Report
Mr. Jeremy Buskirk

7.1 District Goal: Financial Responsibility
  • Financial Update

8. Board Members Items of Interest
Mr. Brad Schneider

9. Public Participation
Mr. Brad Schneider

This is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not considered a public community meeting. This is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda. (Please reference criteria for Public Participation, which is attached to the agenda.)

10. Business Item

10.1 20-077
Mr. Doug Swartz

It is recommended the Board approve the Resolution Approving Owner Change Order 021 to the Construction Manager at Risk Agreement for the New High School with Athletic Improvements and New Elementary School on a Contiguous Site Project.



Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Liana Lee, Vice President

Seconded: Mr. Steve Fujii, Board Member

Mr. Brad Schneider, PresidentX  
Mr. Doug Crowl, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Liana Lee, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Sherri Dorsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board MemberX  

10.2 20-078
Mrs. Angie Hamberg

It is recommended the Board approve the Facility Use Waivers.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Steve Fujii, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Liana Lee, Vice President

Mr. Brad Schneider, PresidentX  
Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member  X
Mrs. Liana Lee, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Sherri Dorsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board MemberX  

11. Human Resources

11.1 20-079
Mr. Brad Schneider

It is recommended the Board approve the Big Walnut Local School District Addendum to Employment Agreement of the Superintendent of the School District.


  • Mr. Crowl motioned to table the item until the next meeting, but there was not a second.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Steve Fujii, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Liana Lee, Vice President

Mr. Brad Schneider, PresidentX  
Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member  X
Mrs. Liana Lee, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Sherri Dorsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board MemberX  

11.2 20-080
Mr. Brad Schneider

It is recommended the Board approve the Big Walnut Local School District Addendum to Employment Agreement of the Treasurer of the School District.


  • Mr. Crowl motioned to table the item until the next meeting, but there was not a second.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Steve Fujii, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Liana Lee, Vice President

Mr. Brad Schneider, PresidentX  
Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member  X
Mrs. Liana Lee, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Sherri Dorsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board MemberX  

12. Scheduling of Next Board Meeting
Mr. Brad Schneider

Regularly Scheduled Meeting:
                June 25, 2020
                6:30 p.m.
                Location TBD- Big Walnut District Administrative Office or Virtual


  • There was some conversation to confirm that the July 23rd regularly scheduled meeting did work for all members because there had been some confusion.  There was also a request to look at July 8 and July 9 as a possible special meeting if it was needed for construction approvals.

13. 20-081 Executive Session
Mr. Brad Schneider

It is recommended the Board enter Executive Session to consider the employment/appointment of a public employee/official, to review negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms and conditions of their employment, consider the employment of a public employee and to discuss confidential information related to negotiations with other political subdivisions regarding requests for economic development assistance, and to consider matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or regulations or state statutes.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Steve Fujii, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Liana Lee, Vice President

Mr. Brad Schneider, PresidentX  
Mr. Doug Crowl, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Liana Lee, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Sherri Dorsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board MemberX  

14. 20-082 Adjourn
Mr. Brad Schneider

It is recommended the Board exit Executive Session and the meeting adjourns. 


  • The Board exited Executive Session at 9:55 am and adjourned.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Steve Fujii, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Liana Lee, Vice President

Mr. Brad Schneider, PresidentX  
Mr. Doug Crowl, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Liana Lee, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Sherri Dorsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board MemberX