Board of Education Meeting

1. Mission
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board President

The mission of the Big Walnut Local Schools is to inspire and guide each student to his or her maximum potential.

2. President
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board President
  • Call to Order
  • Moment of Silence for Personal Reflection
  • Pledge of Allegiance


  • The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm.

3. Roll Call
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board President


Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member   
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Zach Duffey, Board MemberX  

4. Adopt Agenda
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board President

It is recommended the Board approve the August 19, 2024, agenda as presented.


  • 24-165 Fujii moved, seconded by Graziosi that item 9.9 include letters a-h as individual items in alphabetical order:
    • A. Bricker Graydon LLP
      B. Brindza McIntyre & Seed, LLP.
      C. Dinsmore & Sholl, LLP.
      D. Frost Brown Todd LLP
      E. Omar Tarazi, Esq.
      F. Pepple & Waggoner, Ltd.
      G. Rich & Gillis Law Group, LLC
      H. Scott Scriven LLP
    • Yeas - Mr. Fujii, Mrs. Graziosi, Mr. Duffey
    • Nays - None
    • Abstain - Mrs. Nicks
    • Motion Passed 3/4
  • Mr. Duffey moved to table item #9.9, no second
    • Motion Failed
  • 24-166 Mrs. Graziosi moved to approve the agenda to include above mentioned exception, seconded by Mrs. Nicks. 
    • Yeas - Mr. Fujii, Mrs. Nicks, Mrs. Graziosi, Mr. Duffey
    • Nays - None
    • Motion Passed - 4/4

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board Member

Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member   
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Zach Duffey, Board MemberX  

5. 24-167 Minutes
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board President

It is recommended the Board approve the minutes of the July 15, 2024, regularly scheduled meeting and the July 24 & August 9, 2024 special meetings.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board Member

Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member   
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board President  X
Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Zach Duffey, Board MemberX  

6. Superintendent's Report
Mr. Ryan McLane, Superintendent
  • ELA update - Mike Robertson
  • Start of school
  • Transportation
  • Student Council - Lauren Haley
  • Tonight's agenda

7. Treasurer's Report
Mr. Scott Gooding, Interim Treasurer
  • Monthly Financial Update
  • Public Records Request Update

8. Public Participation
Mr. Steve Fujii

This is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not considered a public community meeting. This is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda (Please reference criteria for Public Participation, which is attached to the agenda).

9. Business Items

9.1 24-168
Mr. Ryan McLane, Superintendent

It is recommended the Board approve the Resolution Amending Prior Resolution Selecting Summit Construction Co. LLC to Waiving Competitive Bidding Based on Urgent Necessity and Approving Contract for the Auditorium Upgrades Projects.


  • 24-168 Mr. Fujii moved, to vote by unanimous consent on items 9.01 - 9.08, Mrs. Graziosi seconded.
    • Yeas - Mr. Fujii, Mrs. Graziosi, Mr. Duffey, Mrs. Nicks
    • Nays - None
    • Motion Passed - 4/4

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Steve Fujii, Board President

Seconded: Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice President

Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member   
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Zach Duffey, Board MemberX  

9.2 Mr. Ryan McLane, Superintendent

It is recommended the Board approve the bus stops for the 2024/2025 school year and authorize the Superintendent or Designee to make changes in bus stops as needed.


  • Consent in item 9.1, motion 24-168.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Steve Fujii, Board President

Seconded: Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice President

Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member   
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Zach Duffey, Board MemberX  

9.3 Mr. Ryan McLane, Superintendent

It is recommended the Board approve the Rate Sheet Service Agreement between Big Walnut Local Schools and RJP Interpreting, LLC.


  • Consent in item 9.1, motion 24-168.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Steve Fujii, Board President

Seconded: Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice President

Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member   
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Zach Duffey, Board MemberX  

9.4 .

It is recommended the Board approve the Master Service Agreement between Big Walnut Local Schools and Amerigis Healthcare Staffing, Inc. 


  • Consent in item 9.1, motion 24-168.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Steve Fujii, Board President

Seconded: Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice President

Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member   
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Zach Duffey, Board MemberX  

9.5 .
Mr. Ryan McLane, Superintendent

It is recommended the Board approve the attached agreement between Big Walnut Local Schools and the Delaware County Sheriff's Deputies.


  • Consent in item 9.1, motion 24-168.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Steve Fujii, Board President

Seconded: Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice President

Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member   
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Zach Duffey, Board MemberX  

9.6 .
Mr. Scott Gooding, Interim Treasurer

It is recommended the Board approve the Commercial Paper Annual Report Resolution to accept the attached report on commercial paper investment activity pursuant to O.R.C. 135.142 (C).

  • The Treasurer of the Board of Education shall prepare annually and submit to the Board of Education, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and the Auditor of State, on or before the thirty-first day of August, a report listing each investment made pursuant to division (A) of this section during the preceding fiscal year, income earned from such investments, fees and commissions paid pursuant to division (D) of this section, and any other information required by the Board, the Superintendent, and the Auditor of State.
  • The report will be emailed to the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (ODEW) and filed with the Auditor of State's (AOS) office via their eServices portal.


  • Consent in item 9.1, motion 24-168.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Steve Fujii, Board President

Seconded: Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice President

Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member   
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Zach Duffey, Board MemberX  

9.7 .
Mr. Scott Gooding, Interim Treasurer

It is recommended the Board approve to appoint Stephen Fujii (Board President) as Delegate and Angela Graziosi (Board Vice President) as Alternate to the Annual Business Meeting of the Ohio School Boards Association on Monday, November 11, 2024.


  • Consent in item 9.1, motion 24-168.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Steve Fujii, Board President

Seconded: Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice President

Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member   
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Zach Duffey, Board MemberX  

9.8 .
Mr. Scott Gooding, Interim Treasurer

It is recommended the Board approve the Resolution to Restate the Ohio Association of School Business Officials (OASBO) 457 Deferred Compensation Plan.


  • Consent in item 9.1, motion 24-168.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Steve Fujii, Board President

Seconded: Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice President

Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member   
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Zach Duffey, Board MemberX  

9.9 .
Mr. Scott Gooding, Interim Treasurer

It is recommended the Board of Education approve the following law firms as providers of legal services to the Big Walnut Local School District for 2024:

  • Bricker Graydon LLP
  • Frost Brown Todd LLP
  • Pepple & Waggoner, Ltd.
  • Rich & Gillis Law Group, LLC
  • Scott Scriven LLP


Per amended agenda:

  • 24-169 Mrs. Graziosi moved to approve Bricker Graydon LLP, Mr. Fujii seconded
    • Yeas - Mr. Fujii, Mrs. Graziosi, Mrs. Nicks
    • Nays - Mr. Duffey
    • Motion Passed - 3/4
  • Brindza McIntyre & Seed, LLP.
    • No Motion
  • Dinsmore & Sholl, LLP.
    • No Motion
  • Mr. Fujii motioned to approve Frost Brown Todd LLP
    • No Second
  • 24-170 Mr. Duffey moved to approve Omar Tarazi, Esq., Mrs. Graziosi seconded.
    • Yeas - Mr. Duffey
    • Nays - Mr. Fujii, Mrs. Graziosi, Mrs. Nicks
    • Motion Failed - 3/1
  • 24-171 Mrs. Graziosi moved to approve Pepple & Waggoner, Ltd., Mrs. Nicks seconded
    • Yeas - Mr. Fujii, Mrs. Graziosi, Mrs. Nicks
    • Nays - None
    • Abstained - Mr. Duffey
    • Motion Passed 3/4
  • 24-172 Mr. Fujii moved to approve Rich & Gillis Law Group, LLC, seconded by Mrs. Nicks
    • Yeas - Mr. Fujii, Mrs. Graziosi, Mr. Duffey, Mrs. Nicks
    • Nays - None
    • Motion Passed 4/4
  • 24-173 Mrs. Nicks motioned to approve Scott Scriven LLP, seconded by Mrs. Graziosi
    • Yeas - Mr. Fujii, Mrs. Graziosi, Mr. Duffey, Mrs. Nicks
    • Nays - No
    • Motion Passed - 4/4


9.10 .
Mr. Ryan McLane, Superintendent

It is recommended the Board approve the Certificate of Completion with Gilbane.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice President

Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member   
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Zach Duffey, Board MemberX  

10. Human Resources
Mr. Ryan McLane, Superintendent

All HR items are pending receipt of successful background checks, verification of experience, and completion of all necessary documentation.

10.1 24-174

It is recommended the Board accept the following resignations:

  • Julie Malloy, BWIS Teaching Assistant, effective at the end of the 2023/2024 school year
  • Laura Forman, Bus Driver, effective at the end of the 2023/2024 school year pending board hire as Interim Transporation Supervisor.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice President

Seconded: Mr. Zach Duffey, Board Member

Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member   
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Zach Duffey, Board MemberX  

10.2 24-175

It is recommended the Board approve the recommendation to non-renew the following classified contract:

  • Tuesday Toner, SOU 2nd shift Custodian, effective at the end of the 90-day probationary contract, July 30, 2024


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Steve Fujii, Board President

Seconded: Mr. Zach Duffey, Board Member

Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member   
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Zach Duffey, Board MemberX  

10.3 24-176

It is recommended the Board approve the co-curricular supplementals:


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board Member

Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member   
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Zach Duffey, Board MemberX  

10.4 24-177

It is recommended the board approve the Superintendent or Designee to hire and maintain a list of classified substitute workers at the Board approved rate for the 2024/2025 school year, upon receipt of background checks and all necessary documentation.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board Member

Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member   
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Zach Duffey, Board MemberX  

10.5 24-178

It is recommended the Board approve the following 90-day classified contracts:

  • Pamela Sharrock, SOU 2nd shift Custodian, step 10, effective August 13, 2024
  • Lisa Virgin, Bus Driver, step 0, effective August 26, 2024


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice President

Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member   
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Zach Duffey, Board MemberX  

10.6 24-179

It is recommended the Board approve the following revisions:

  • Shawn Hart, PRE 2nd shift Custodian, change start date from August 7 to August 12, 2024
  • Rescind contract for Annamarie Woods, BWMS Teaching Assistant
  • David Porter, Bus Driver, move from step 8 to step 10, effective beginning with the 2024/2025 school year
  • Steven Green, BWHS Varsity Assistant Cheer Coach, move from group 4 step 0 to group 3 step 0
  • Alan Feeman, move from Assistant Food Services Supervisor to Food Service Supervisor, $75,000 annual salary
  • Rescind BWHS Varsity Assistant Football Coach contract for Kevin Webb
  • Doug Eckelbarger, BWHS Varsity Assistant Football Coach, revise from .5 to full contract 


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice President

Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member   
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Zach Duffey, Board MemberX  

10.7 24-180

It is recommended the board approve the following unpaid leave of absence:

  • Krystal Bowman, Bus Driver, .5 unpaid day, September 13, 2024
  • Daniel Ocke, BWHS Math Teacher, 3 unpaid days, September 18-20, 2024


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Zach Duffey, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice President

Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member   
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Zach Duffey, Board MemberX  

10.8 24-181

It is recommended the Board approve a one-year certified contract for the following:

  • Nicholas Heppner, BWHS Science Teacher, BA step 0


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice President

Seconded: Mr. Steve Fujii, Board President

Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member   
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Zach Duffey, Board MemberX  

10.9 24-182

It is recommended the Board approve the following one-year classified contracts:

  • Rebekah Heskett, GRE Teaching Assistant, step 6, effective at the start of the 2024/2025 school year
  • Alexandra Hastings, PRE Teaching Assistant, step 0, effective at the start of the 2024/2025 school year 
  • Tess Lyle, BWMS Teaching Assistant, step 0, effective at the start of the 2024/2025 school year
  • Kaitlin White, SOU Teaching Assistant, step 3, effective at the start of the 2024/2025 school year
  • Alexandria Ferguson, SOU Teaching Assistant, step 4, effective August 26, 2024


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice President

Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member   
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Zach Duffey, Board MemberX  

10.10 24-183

It is recommended the Board approve the following athletic supplemental contracts for the 2024/2025 school year:

  • Christopher Daniels, BWMS Football Volunteer Coach
  • Darrin Reeb, BWHS Golf Volunteer Coach
  • Ryan Coletta, BWHS Volunteer Football Coach
  • David Hatgas, BWHS Volunteer Football Coach


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board Member

Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member   
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Zach Duffey, Board MemberX  

10.11 24-184

It is recommended the Board approve a one-year Administrative Level II 260-day contract to Laura Forman, Interim Transportation Supervisor, $80,000 annual salary, effective July 30, 2024.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice President

Seconded: Mr. Steve Fujii, Board President

Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member   
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Zach Duffey, Board MemberX  

11. Scheduling of Next Board Meeting
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board President

September 16, 2024
6:30 pm
District Administrative Office

12. Executive Session
Board President

12.1 24-185 Executive Session

It is recommended the Board enter Executive Session as permitted by Section 121.22 (G)(1) of the Ohio Revised Code to consider the employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official, or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee.


  • The Board went into Executive Session at 7:33 pm.
  • The meeting was reconvened at 8:49 pm.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board Member

Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member   
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Zach Duffey, Board MemberX  

13. Human Resources
Mr. Ryan McLane, Superintendent

13.1 24-186

It is recommended the Board accept the resignation of Kristina Hallof, BWHS Science Teacher, effective at the end of the 2023/2024 school year


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Zach Duffey, Board Member

Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member   
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board President X 
Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Zach Duffey, Board MemberX  

14. 24-187 Adjourn
Board President

It is recommended the meeting adjourns.


  • The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Zach Duffey, Board Member

Mr. Doug Crowl, Board Member   
Mr. Steve Fujii, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Alice Nicks, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Angela Graziosi, Board Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Zach Duffey, Board MemberX