Board of Education Meeting

Mrs. Mindy Meyer

The mission of the Big Walnut Local Schools is to inspire and guide each student to his or her maximum potential.

Mrs. Mindy Meyer

In order to realize our mission, we will strive to achieve and maintain our vision of:

  • Student -focused, professional, collaborative staff
  • Student-focused, challenging and current curriculum
  • Supportive, involved and informed community
  • Safe, respectful and welcoming environment

Mrs. Mindy Meyer
  • Improve academic achievement
  • Improve communication
  • Plan for growth (facility plan)
  • Financial responsibility

4. President
Mrs. Mindy Meyer
  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance

5. Roll Call
Mrs. Mindy Meyer

6. Superintendent's Report
Mrs. Angie Pollock

6.1 District Goal: Academic Achievement
  • Book Study

6.2 District Goal: Improve Communication

6.3 District Goal: Planning for Growth
  • Big Walnut Bond issue - election results and initial discussion

7. Treasurer's Report
Ms. Terri Eyerman

7.1 District Goal: Financial Responsibility
  • October Financial Report

8. Board Members Items of Interest or Discussion
Mrs. Mindy Meyer

9. Public Participation
Mrs. Mindy Meyer

This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not considered a public community meeting. This is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda. (Please reference criteria for Public Participation, which is attached to the agenda.)

10. Scheduling of Next Board Meeting
Mrs. Mindy Meyer

Regular Board Meeting:

                                                     November 17, 2016
                                                     6:30 p.m.
                                                     Big Walnut High School Innovation (Media) Center


11. 15-201Executive Session
Mrs. Mindy Meyer

It is recommended the Board enter Executive Session to consider the employment of a public employee or official and to review negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms and conditions of their employment.

12. 15-202 Adjourn
Mrs. Mindy Meyer

It is recommended the Board exit Executive Session and the meeting adjourns.