Special Board Meeting

Big Walnut District Office
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 - 4:00pm - 5:00pm

    1. Mission
    Board President

    The mission of the Big Walnut Local Schools is to inspire and guide each student to his or her maximum potential.

    2. President
    Board President
    • Call to Order
    • Moment of Silence for Personal Reflection
    • Pledge of Allegiance 

    3. Roll Call
    Board President

    4. Board Members Items of Interest
    Board President

    5. Executive Session
    Board President

    5.1 23-135

    It is recommended the Board enter Executive Session to discuss details relative to the security arrangements and emergency response protocols for the Board of Education and to consider confidential information related to the marketing plans, specific business strategy, production techniques, trade secrets, or personal financial statements of an applicant for economic development assistance, or to negotiations with other political subdivisions respecting requests for economic development assistance, to consider the employment of a public employee or official, and to confer with an attorney for the Board of Education concerning disputes involving the Board that are the subject of pending or imminent court action.

    6. Business Items

    6.1 23-136
    Mr. Ryan McLane

    It is recommended the Board approve the agreement between HR Imaging Partners, Inc. and Big Walnut Local School District.

    7. Human Resources
    Mr. Ryan McLane, Superintendent

    All HR items are pending receipt of successful background checks, verification of experience, and completion of all necessary documentation.

    7.1 23-137

    It is recommended the Board approve one-year limited contract, BA step 0, for the following long-term substitute to remain in effect through the completion of the current long-term assignment:

    • Zachary Chucta, PRE Intervention Specialist, effective April 11, 2023

    7.2 23-138

    It is recommended the Board approve the following Eagle Extension stipends ($168 each) for the 2022/2023 school year:

    • Jody Grieger, GRE Fun Fitness Games & Activities (Tuesdays)
    • Jennifer Barr, GRE Fun Fitness Games & Activities (Tuesdays)
    • Angela Keller, GRE Maketspace
    • Angela Keller, GRE Lego Club
    • Mike Denton, BWI Flyers (Tuesdays)
    • Molly Fortune, BWI Yoga & Mindful Relaxation (Thursdays)
    • Mike Stone, BWI Chess Club (Fridays)
    • Mike Wion, BWI Chess Club (Fridays)

    7.3 23-139

    It is recommended the Board approve the attached administrative contracts.

    7.4 23-140

    It is recommended the Board approve the attached certified contracts.

    7.5 23-141

    It is recommended the Board approve the resignation of Tara Shelby, GRE Office Assistant, effective at the end of the 2022/2023 school year, pending approval as BWHS General Secretary II, beginning the 2023/2024 school year.

    7.6 23-142

    It is recommended the Board approve a 220-day classified contract for Tara Shelby, BWHS General Secretary II, current step and contract remain in effect.

    7.7 23-143

    It is recommended the Board approve a two-year 225-day administrative contract for Paul Hershberger, BWHS Assistant Principal, $96,000 annual salary, effective the 2023/2024 school year.

    7.8 23-144

    It is recommended the Board approve the following one-year certified contracts for the 2023/2024 school year:

    • Amanda Citro, BWHS Intervention Specialist, BA step 0
    • Ashley Nussen, School Counselor, Elementary Building TBD, MA step 6*

    8. Scheduling of Next Board Meeting
    Board President

    Regularly Scheduled Meetings:
                June 15, 2023
                6:30 pm
                District Administrative Office      
    Streaming will be made available on the District website.                 

    9. 23-145 Adjourn
    Board President

    It is recommended the meeting adjourn.
