Board of Education Meeting

Big Walnut District Office
Thursday, June 15, 2023 - 6:30pm - 7:30pm

    1. Mission
    Board President

    The mission of the Big Walnut Local Schools is to inspire and guide each student to his or her maximum potential.

    2. President
    Board President
    • Call to Order
    • Moment of Silence for Personal Reflection
    • Pledge of Allegiance 

    3. Roll Call
    Board President

    4. Adopt Agenda
    Mr. Doug Crowl

    It is recommended the Board adopt the June 15, 2023, agenda as presented.

    5. 23-152 Minutes
    Board President

    It is recommended the Board approve the minutes of the May 18, 2023, regularly scheduled meeting and the May 24, and June 8, 2023, special meetings.

    6. Superintendent's Report
    Mr. Ryan McLane, Superintendent
    •  Enrollment Update
    • Auction Results

    7. Treasurer's Report
    Mr. Darren Jenkins
    • Monthly Financial Update
    • Public Records Request Update


    8. Selected Board Policy
    Board President

    9. Public Participation
    Board President

    This is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not considered a public community meeting. This is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda. (Please reference criteria for Public Participation, which is attached to the agenda.)

    10. Board Members Items of Interest
    Board President

    11. Business Items

    11.1 23-153
    Mr. Darren Jenkins

    It is recommended the Board approve the attached 2023/2024 school fees.

    11.2 23-154
    Mr. Darren Jenkins

    It is recommended the Board approve to renew the district's fleet, property and liability coverage through the Ohio School Plan at a cost of $222,099.00.  This represents an increase of $40,000 over last year's rates.  The rate increase is due to their reappraisal of district property values, not increased exposure.  Additionally, it is recommended to purchase cyber insurance through Tokio Marine HCC at a cost of $15, 175.  This is a new firm but the coverage is the same as our current policy.  This rate represents a $5000 savings over renewing with our current provider.

    11.3 23-155
    Mr. Darren Jenkins

    It is recommended the Board approve the following account transfer:

    • $530.00 from 022-1890-9021-000 (General Stale Checks Fund) to 070-1890 (Capital Projects Fund) for General Fund stale checks greater than 5 years old

    11.4 23-156
    Mr. Darren Jenkins

    It is recommended the Board approve the Resolution Declaring it Necessary to Levy a Tax in Excess of the Ten Mill Limitation for the Benefit of the Community Library.

    11.5 23-157
    Mr. Ryan McLane

    It is recommended the Board approve Field Source LLC to oversee the renovation project to the BWHS baseball and softball fields.

    11.6 23-158
    Mr. Ryan McLane

    It is recommended the Board approve Penlin Seeding, Inc. to perform renovations to the BWHS baseball field.

    11.7 23-159

    It is recommended the Board approve Penlin Seeding, Inc. to perform renovations to the BWHS softball field.

    11.8 Mr. Ryan McLane

    11.9 23-160
    Mr. Doug Crowl

    It is recommended the Board accept the following donations:

    • Miscellaneous supplies donated to BWHS Student Council (donation value $140.26), donated by Barbi Newman
    • $400 donated to BWHS, donated by OHGRAD LLC - BWHS Principal Funds # 018-9001
    • $750 donated to BWLSD, donated by Stephen Fujii - Fund #019-9024

    12. Human Resources
    Mr. Ryan McLane, Superintendent

    All HR items are pending receipt of successful background checks, verification of experience, and completion of all necessary documentation.

    12.1 23-161
    Mr. Ryan McLane

    It is recommended the Board approve the staffing plan for the 2023/2024 school year.

    12.2 23-162

    It is recommended the Board approve the following new positions and job descriptions:

    • Assistant Food Service Supervisor
    • Communication Specialist

    12.3 23-163

    *It is recommended the Board approve a two-year, 220-day Administrative Level II contract for Alan Feeman, Assistant Food Services Supervisor, $65,000 annual salary, effective beginning the 2023/2024 school year.

    12.4 23-164

    It is recommended the Board approve the following resignations, effective at the end of the 2022/2023 school year:

    • Joseph Kacsandi, BWMS Science Teacher
    • Jennifer Zimmer, BWHS Spanish Teacher - pending Board approval of her new employment
    • Bethany Immel, BWHS Secretary II - Attendance
    • Megan Gibson, BWHS Science Teacher
    • Kristen Rhinehart, BWIS Intervention Specialist
    • Vicky Tyler, BWHS second shift custodian, effective at the end of the day on June 23, 2023

    12.5 23-165

    It is recommended the Board approve the following classified contracts:

    • *Jennifer Tishko, Preschool Teaching Assistant, step 1, one-year contract, effective the 2023/2024 school year
    • *Christina Rines, Preschool Teaching Assistant, step 1, one-year contract, effective the 2023/2024 school year
    • Deanna Pogue, GRE Office Assistant, 4 hours/day, step 0, 190-day contract, effective the 2023/2024 school year
    • Bruce Jennings, Mechanic, step 9, 90-day contract, effective June 15, 2023

    12.6 23-166

    It is recommended the Board approve the following certified contracts for the 2023/2024 school year:

    • Megan Walsh, BWIS Art Teacher, BA step 1
    • Tyler Shuster, Intervention Specialist, BWIS, BA step 0
    • Gwen Hodges, Intervention Specialist, BWIS, MA30 step 7
    • J. Michelle Goughenour, Intervention Specialist,  BWIS, MA45 step 7 
    • Jacob Houston, Intervention Specialist, BWMS, BA step 5
    • Caleigh Moats, BWE School Counselor, MA step 4
    • Shelby Brady, BWHS School Counselor, MA step 1


    12.7 23-167

    It is recommended the Board approve the following adjustments:

    • Christina Simmons, BWHS Food Services, from 5 hours/day to 6 hours/day, effective beginning the 2023/2024 school year

    12.8 23-168

    It is recommended the Board approve the following unpaid leave of absence:

    •  Adrienne Nipper, BWHS Science Teacher, September 22 - 25, 2023
    • Carly Bresnahan, GRE Kindergarten Teacher for the 2023/2024 school year

    12.9 23-169

    It is recommended the Board approve up to the following extended days, as needed, for the 2023/2024 school year:

    • Shelby Brady, BWHS Counselor - 20
    • Jeanne Collett, BWHS Counselor - 20
    • Ginna Crawford, GRE Principal - 5
    • Molly Fortune, BWIS Counselor - 10
    • Josh Frame, BWMS Principal - 5
    • Erin Grywalski, BWIS Counselor - 10
    • Lauren Heitkamp, BWE Principal - 5
    • Whitney Hoge, PRE Counselor - 2
    • Tammi Jordan, District Testing/College Career Readiness - 25
    • Anna Laux, BWHS Counselor - 20
    • Caleigh Moats, BWE Counselor - 2
    • Ashley Nessen, GRE Counselor - 2
    • Nick Powell, BWIS Assistant Principal - 5
    • Joe Rucker, BWMS Assistant Principal - 5
    • Sarah Sandrock, BWIS Principal - 5
    • Corry Schull, BWMS Counselor - 15
    • Amanda Statler, SOU Principal - 5
    • Meghan Vituccio, BWHS Counselor - 20
    • Christi Walker, SOU Counselor - 2
    • Zachary Watson, BWMS Counselor - 15

    13. Scheduling of Next Board Meeting
    Board President

    Regularly Scheduled Meeting:
                June 29, 2023       
                7:30 am
                District Administrative Office        

    14. Executive Session
    Board President

    14.1 23-170
    Mr. Doug Crowl

    It is recommended the Board enter Executive Session as permitted by ORC Section 121.22 to discuss details relative to the security arrangements and emergency response protocols for the Board of Education and to consider confidential information related to the marketing plans, specific business strategy, production techniques, trade secrets, or personal financial statements of an applicant for economic development assistance, or to negotiations with other political subdivisions respecting requests for economic development assistance, to consider the employment of a public employee or official, and to confer with an attorney for the Board of Education concerning disputes involving the Board that are the subject of pending or imminent court action.

    15. 23-171 Adjourn
    Board President

    It is recommended the Board approve to adjourn the meeting.
